C44) EUROPE [INT], Europe will be the Spiritual Centre of the Beast Empire, (S. Dobbs 2007).
[Links to A51, A52, A19, A20, A18, B11, A46, C38, C46, A25, A42, A49, A21, A22, A43, A26, A27, A28, A29, C41, C27.]
I received this word in Jan 2007, it also appears on site as A45.
The Lord showed me that “Satan would use Islamiphobia to promote the interfaith agenda”, (to many it will appear a useful tool in the battle for hearts and minds, to control/curtail Islamic extremism). “This interfaith agenda will spread to the USA.
Envoys will be sent from Europe to the USA, first they will promote closer political links and then the interfaith agenda. The U.K will have great influence in this due to its special relationship with the US.
The spiritual heritage of global Empires coming from Europe will arise once again. Roots will be sent out from Europe to influence the rest of the world, including the USA.
Satan’s end time’s beast Empire” (see Rev 13), “will have a European/E.U orientation. The source of the beast’s power will be from Europe.
In the USA Satan will stimulate a reaction to Presidents Bushes perceived/actual narrow-mindedness. This will induce a state of compromise in US politics after George Bush leaves the Whitehouse. The US will then start compromising with Europe.
I saw clearly that the antichrist will come from Europe, he will be of European origin”.
At this point I was reminded by the Holy Spirit of part of one of John Mulindes prophecies, (see word No A9 on this site). This predicted that a cloud will arise out of Europe which will spread out across the sky cutting out the light from God and bringing darkness across the earth.
This present word continued; “Freemasonry is based in Europe. It is a spiritually territorial influence. Its influence has/will spread to the USA. In the occult realms the root of the end time’s beast empire will be from Europe.
I saw that the Satanists in the USA were not nationalist but were globalist and New Age. They will willingly go along with the Europeans spiritual authority structure.
In democracies people change their views quickly and easily, governments change too. I understood that when these spiritual influences come to dominate in the Western World politicians with the greatest power would then submit to politicians of lesser power when these had higher rank spiritually. There will therefore be times in the future when the more powerful US polaticians will submit to the agendas of the less powerful European politicians.
Lastly I saw a picture of a circle with arrows in it which followed its circular motion around clockwise. At the top of the circle was the USA which has a greater influence on world affairs. At the bottom of the circle was Europe which has greater power and authority in the occult realms. The circle could move around so that Europe was at the top. Europe will emerge as the spiritual centre of authority in the beasts end time’s empire.”
Part 2, Europe and the USA: I received this sometime later in the same month. I saw that at present the spiritual and moral state of Europe was worse than that in the USA. I saw a picture of two steps, the lower one represented the worse moral state of Europe’s society, the higher one that of the USA. To enable closer political unity between Europe and the USA Satan was therefore holding back/slowing down the moral decline in Europe whilst promoting this to the maximum extent in the USA. When the two places paralleled one another in this it will be easier for Satan to enhance closer political links between them, the peoples of these two places will then be more willing support closer political ties. I saw a picture of two shoes both with the laces undone. One symbolised Satan’s plans for the USA the other for Europe. Satan wishes to tie the laces of both shoes at the same time, he wants to work in unison in both places.
Once these links have occurred and been cemented Satan will then no longer hold back in his ability to promote greater/faster moral decline in Europe. There will then be a sudden increase in immorality and darkness in Europe. The effects of this will be very noticeable.
[From other words, Nos A5, A6, A7 , I believe that following this there will be a season when the spiritual atmosphere in the UK at least, will improve for a short season during a genuine move of the Spirit which will start in Africa, before the darkness closes in again during the very end times].
S.Dobbs, July 2008.