C71) The Raising up of the Black Race within the Global Church in the End Times, (S. Dobbs, 2003).
This links to Word No C19,
I received this from the Holy Spirit whilst praying in August 2003. This word was included on the site as A4 at a much earlier date.
The Lord showed me that many black Christians in Britain had already set their minds on seeking revival for our nation as their priority. I then saw that when this revival arrives God will be raising up many black Christians within the British church.
The Lord showed me He is going to be turning the tables on all that’s gone before, on many of the influences Satan has had in Britain in the past, particularly those that stem from the days of the British Empire and the way in which many white people then exalted themselves above other races, particularly the Negro race.
The Lord told me that in the future the majority of the leading Christians in Britain were going to be black people.
The word continued. The gospel went out to the gentiles. Then during the protestant era the majority of the world’s leading Christians were white people. There is a season of change coming concerning this at a global level as we enter into the end times.
Deceptions will increase in the end times. In the church, however, the Holy Spirit will be doing the opposite work by raising up standard bearers of truth. Many Christians will receive an increased ability and gifting in the discernment of spirits. The majority of leading Christians in this field will also be black people.
In the past the black (Negro) race has been forced into the lowliest position on earth, typified by the African slave trade, and God raises up the lowliest from the earth.
Whilst the majority of Britain’s top Christian leaders will be black men many black women also will be raised up in their roles too…
At this point the Lord told me to include some scriptures here concerning the role of women in the church. The Lord left me to choose which scriptures. So that these would not be given any particular emphasis I have placed them in the order in which they appear in the bible. I saw that later on God will gather together those with teaching gifts in the body of Christ and they will study all the scriptures on this issue and show us how they should be interpreted. I chose the following four verses which are well known.
Luke 2; 36,38, “Now there was one, Anna a prophetess…And coming in that instant she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of Him (Jesus) to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem,” (N.K.J.V).
Acts 21; 9, “Now this man (Philip) had four virgin daughters who prophesied” (N.K.J.K).
In Phil 4; 3 Paul wrote, “I urge you…. help these women (Euodia and Syntche) who laboured with me in the gospel.” (N.K.J.V).
1 Tim 2; 12, “And I (Paul) do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man.” (N.K.J.V)
The word from God then continued at this point: One of the roles women will have will be moving in the gift of discerning of spirits, the testing of things to see if words are from God’s mouth, mans mind or the deceptive tongues of the enemy. There will be a testing of word’s, prophecies and miracles.
As well as this being a time for Christians to test things it will also be a time when the church itself will be tested - the end times.
The Lord told me to add this scripture at this point;
Mathew 24 v. 24; “For false Christ’s and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect,” (N.K.J.V).
There is a call going out from the Lord to the Christian womenfolk to arise in intercession, - the powerhouse of the church. Women of intercession are called to change the powers that be in the heavenlies and to affect the tides of change on the earth, both nationwide and globally. The Lord then showed me that the enemy will “seek to change times” and directed me to include this scripture here;
Dan 7 v 25. “He (the antichrist) shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High and shall intend to change times and law.” (N.K.J.V).
The Lord then showed me that there is and will be a rising up of the power of the beast from the sea (see Rev13). I saw that this will clash with the Lord rising up many black Christians in the power of the Holy Spirit. It will be a clash of powers of titanic proportions that will shake the very foundations of the earth.
I saw that ultimately the rising power of the beast from the sea will wipe out all but a fraction of the power and influence of these black Christian ministries. A great gulf will then open up between mankind and God similar to that created by the fall of Adam. No one will be able to bridge this gap.*
I then saw a picture that resembled the Grand Canyon with unbelievers on one side and the Lord with all the Christians that remained on earth on the other side.
From then on none of the remaining Christians will be able to reach across this gulf to unbelievers or be able to help unbelievers be reconciled to God. Only Christ, (who died on the cross for our sins), will be able to reach across this gulf, in the same way that only He was able to bridge the gap created between man and God by the fall of Adam. However, this later gulf will only be bridged by the return of Christ. Then all things will be set in order and brought under the headship of Christ, (God the Son), and of God the Father.”*
[S. Dobbs 5.11.2003.]
* This is open to interpretation but according to my understanding of the bible only the introduction of the mark of the beast could result in such a gulf being created between God and unbelievers, one that would make it impossible for unbelievers to get saved from that point on. Only judgment and not mercy would then bring them under Christ’s rule on the judgement day at Jesus Christ’s return.