Rev 13+ (Prophecies that Relate to the Book of Revelations)

Modern prophecies that relate to the Book of Revelations, particularly Rev Ch 13. BEAST EMPIRE words at the end, below. Prophecy always contains new revelation and will never just reflect what the person prophesying understood from reading about these things in the bible beforehand. 

(C98) Dean Phillips, 2024 US Presidential Candidate Word, (S. Dobbs, Jan 8th, 2024):

(A89)  Avoid Falling into Unbelief by following Jesus’ Teachings.  Prepare for the End Times and Emerging Global Government, (Steve Dobbs, 26th July, 2022)

(A19), The Events of the Book of Revelation Have Started, (Mark Aldrige, 2003)

(A86) An authoritarian system is creeping in quickly and surreptitiously but also Gods End Times Sunset, (S. Dobbs, 29th, April, 2021):

(A18), The Four Seasons Before The End Of This Age, (Mark Aldrige, 2004)

(A78) Abaddon/Apollyon Rising, (S. Dobbs, late 1990’s)

(A40) A40), The Beast from the Earth, the Interfaith and the Dangers of Self Promotion Amongst Some Christians, (S. Dobbs, Feb, 2005)

(A88) An Article; A Wave of Deception and the Great Falling away of 2 Thess 2; 3, "the falling away comes first," (S. Dobbs, April 2022):

(A23), Three Aspects to the Beast, (S. Dobbs, 1998)

(A76)The 6th Seal, “hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the Throne,” (Rev 6; 15, 16),  (Mark Aldridge, 2007)

(A24), ** The Emergence of the Beasts from the Sea in the World Today, the G8 Group of Nations, (S. Dobbs, 2003)

(A87) The Four Beasts of Daniel Ch 7 and todays end Times symbolism. The dominace of Great Britain, (the Lion), Russia and the Soviet Union, (the Bear), the USA, (the Leopard), followed by the emergence of the One World Government of Rev Ch 13, (S. Dobbs, 1992, notes 2022):

(A42) A Realigning of National Churches in the Global Body of Christ, (S. Dobbs 2005)

(C56), The Growth of Paganism in UK, the New Age Floods into the Church, (S. Dobbs, 2011)

(A70), Brexit Prayer, the E.U and the Last Days, (S. Dobbs and others, Nov 2016)

(A72),The E.U, the globalists, atheism, a One World Government, Luciferianism and Satan’s perspective; (S. Dobbs, 9th Jan, 2017)

*(A4),* The Raising up of the Black Race in the End Times, (S. Dobbs,2003)

(A26), The African and Chinese Churches, the Two Lampstands, (Rev Ch 11), (S. Dobbs, 2003)

(A27) The Lampstands/Churches of the Western World and S. America, (S. Dobbs, 2003), : [notes on all 7 Lampstands added in 2020].

(A17), Two Great Waves of the Spirit Coming into Britain from Africa and the Two Lampstands, (Mark Aldrige, 2004)

(A7), A word linking two earlier predictions concerning a great move of the Spirit in Britain, as well as the falling away, (Mark Aldrige, 2004)

C67) The USA will be Split into 4 Nations, (Darren Smith, June 2009)

(A25), A Counterfeit Christianity, the One World Religion, the Beast From the Earth, (S. Dobbs, 2003)

(A69), The Coming One World Religion, (S. Dobbs, 2011)

(C46), The Beast from the Earth, the Interfaith and the Dangers of Self Promotion Amongst Some Christians, (S. Dobbs, 2005)

(A68), The Falling Away of Ministers, Interfaith, Grassroots Christianity, 666 and a One World Religion, (S. Dobbs, 2014)

(A28), Babylon: The Free Market Economy and the Catholic Church, (S. Dobbs, 2003) 

(A31), God’s End Times Sunset, Revival and Catholic Believers, (S. Dobbs, 2005)

(A29), The Fall of Babylon, the Worlds Economic System to be Destroyed by Ten Kings, (S. Dobbs, 2005)

(A58),  False teachings that will enter the church, (S. Dobbs, 2006) - Relates to the Book of Revelations


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