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END TIMES POLL, (started in May 2020), see bottom of page!
The Prophecy Today Magazine's online review of the end times has similar warnings to these mostly earlier predictions, (link)
Website's History: This site contains end times prophecies received since 1992, most after 2002, just over half of them my own: In early 2003, two separate words of knowledge from others, given in 2003 and then 2004, led to building this website. After prayer this is the approx. design two of us were given, (I assume it’s not supposed to attract people in any impressive way). The .com site was completed in 2005 then, after repeated Islamic hacks was rebuilt as .co.uk in 2013. I was called across from prophecy to an activist role in 2017 and have not received many prophecies on major issues since. This is not due to a lack of seeking them since I had always let God initiate that process for major words anyway. Despite having a lot of experience in this area, (since 1985), I had been praying to move out of a prophetic role since 2016. The spiritual atmosphere has got steadily worse in the UK, especially since 2013/14, making it harder to get clear enough discernment, (maybe those with a lot of prayer support find it easier but I doubt many do). Deceptions have been getting more elaborate and sophisticated making them harder to spot naturally. I didn’t want to risk the credibility of the words already on this site by promoting any deceptions along with them, (or let’s say, I wanted to keep to a minimum the number of any potential deceptions). I was relieved when God moved me onto other work a few months after an old friend and prophecy and discernment partner sadly died unexpectedly in 2017. I think the number of false prophecies online, that predicted that Trump would win the 2020 election, reflects just how bad the situation has got in the prophetic movement in the western world. Deception is already rife. The anointing on the church in the UK has been reducing since the charismatic renewal in the 1970's. There should be more anointing available when the actual end times start though. However, just before that time, the church of the western world is going to be hit with a great wave of deception and a counterfeit, occult empowered, false revival, which will lead many into great discouragement or deception and apostasy. I think this could be the great apostasy warned about by St Paul in 2 Thess 2 v 3, which proceeds the last seven years of this age.
The things I think we should be watching out for next are; a great wave of deception and apostasy flooding across the churches of the western world, starting in the USA as fallen angels appear, en- mass, as angels of light, link, and a counterfeit of the Holy Spirit spreading in a more dangerous way than now, link. This will result in a false revival based on occult power leading many into falling away from the faith. Around about the same time the Ez 38 Gog of Magog war against Israel will start, link. This will be followed by a real revival - the great end times move of Gods Spirit in the last days. Revival is not just an outward anointing, though, it’s also how well we are mortifying our flesh and submitting to Christ individually, link. These genuine and the false spiritual moves will then be operating at the same time, overlapping like waves going in opposite directions, both being of different intensity in different parts of the world, link Mks, like a great end times sunset, with a darkening of the skies overall but also blazing colours bursting forth reflecting Gods glory and power, link. I believe God will then send a new anointing, especially upon women in the majority black part of the body of Christ, to gift many to help the churches discern the difference, link.
15th Aug 2024: URGENT! The Ez 38, Gog of Magog War could happen anytime soon: The area ringed on the map in this 22 year old prophecy, [C74) Ezekiel 38, the Gog of Magog War against Israel...], has now been fully invaded by Turkey. If this word is correct this is THE SIGN that the Ezekiel 38 Gog of Magog war is about to take place. [Turkey has been operating in this area for many years now but only in the last 6 weeks did it state that it wanted full control of this area and has since implemented its “invasion.” This info had a low profile on the main news as it has been eclipsed by the war in Gaza and other signs which also indicate that this Ez 38 prediction could be about to take place. See info in 2nd half of that C74) prophecy - God does not want western Christians getting in the way of His reaching out in revival to Muslims living in the Middle East and beyond]. The following word beneath that one, (see bottom of that page), concerning a Move of Gods Spirit across the Middle East should then start to be fulfilled A Move of God in Israel also follows the Ez 38 events/war, (see Ez 39 v 25 - 29). This prophecy, (C75), predicts the Jews acceptance of Jesus as Messiah during this season will lead to a great heavenly celebration which will spill over into the world as an end times move of Gods Spirit. Although global this will affect different regions of the earth, and different nations, with varying degrees of intensity. Amongst some it will become phenomenal. PLEASE ALSO NOTE; the many warning prophecies on this site as well which predict that a great apostasy amongst Christians will also take place, indicated to start in the USA and quickly spread to the rest of the western world. One prophecy indicates that this will take place in the UK around about the same time as these events in Ez 38. The falling away may, therefore, even start before the Gog of Magog war and so could be imminent. The way I read the scriptures I view this as indicating that this will lead into the last 7 years of this age. Time will tell. There have been many false alarms as Turkey has moved its forces into this small boarder area of Iraq, where the territorial boundaries of Turkey, Syria and Iraq meet, but this is the first time Turkey has taken complete control there in the form of a full scale invasion.
*MOST IMPORTATLY: *The Great Apostasy:* You will see from the "Warnings Page" link above that this site has evolved mostly into warning about a great apostasy across the Church of the Western World. I belive this will start BEFORE the Gog of Magog war above, so this could be iminent. I would like people to be able to weigh up this prophectic dream from Randy Kay which appears to suggest that this could start on Christmas Day 2024, (so in just three months time from now), LINK, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=metyJLNFbOE Kay predicts that either Revival or a loss of spiritual protection and devastation will happen then. I believe you have to be out of touch with reality to think the US church is moving towards a revival so, if correct, this may be the date of the start of the Great Wave of Deception this site predicts instead. The timing appears to fit. St Peter warned that judgement starts with the Church, and this could be the start of this, followed by the God of Magog War, followed by all Israel turning to Christ predicted by St Paul, followed by a global outpouring of Gods Spirit, (being powerful to differing degrees in different parts of the world), followed by the last 7 years. See the Warnings Link on site above for more details. Here are some of the main prophecies I received relating to the start of this falling away and great wave of deception, (which some are calling a judgement), A62) Fallen Angels and an occult anointing will soon sweep across the Churches of the USA and Western World, (S. Dobbs, 2010), LINK, and A40), The Beast from the Earth, the Interfaith and the Dangers of Self Promotion Amongst Some Christians, (S. Dobbs, 2005), LINK.
Did Bradon Briggs really predict the Trump assassination attempt? Mike Winger has done a better study on this than mine so I am going to link you across to that here, LINK. Winger proves that Briggs got most details in that prediction wrong and claimed to have seen blood on Trumps face after the event. In any failed assassination the bullet was bound to pass by close to Trumps head. So what at first appears to be a very impressive prediction falls apart upon closer investigation. Even Tucker Carlson was adamant, in advance, that there would be an assassination attempt on Trump but he hasn’t framed it as a prophecy. What concerns me is the second part of Briggs prophecy which predicts that Trump will win this election and become President, leading to a Christian triumph across the USA and revival. This is mirroring the flood of false prophecy that preceded the 2020 election, none of which came to pass. This led so many Christians into presumption of victory, they even had a film celebrating the next 4 years of victory. This must have reduced prayer for a Trump victory as it is hard to pray for what you think is already going to happen. It may even be the main cause of the last 4 years of Biden and the globalist in power. Is Satan trying to stir up similar presumption and a corresponding reduction in prayer again before this election? Prayer groups should be mobilising in earnestness not sitting back in presumption of a victory. Satan may have given this prediction to Briggs without him knowing this or the devil could be capitalising on Briggs guessing an assassination attempt would take place. This could lead to a resurrection of the same flood of false prophecies of victory and another reduction in prayer in the lead up to this election. Another four years of globalist US government could complete their plans. Prophecy across the church of the western world has fallen into disrepute and is now being used to mislead intercessors and to give false misdirected hope that will lead many into to disillusionment afterwards. Christians need to be focussed on prayer for the next election, as that’s surely the only key to success.
Understanding the Jewish idiom; “no one knows the day or hour," (link). ii) Where the great apostasy, (of 2 Thess 2 v 3), will start & how it'l manifest, (A40*). iii) The sign that the Ez 38, Gog of Magog war has arrived, (C74). iv) All Israel will then turn to Christ (C75), (see Rm 11; 26). v) Revivals across the M. East and World will then follow. See Isaiah Ch 19; Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, parts of Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Kuwait + Iraq, unite in God, all the lands promised to Abraham in Gen 15; 18. vi) End Times Revivals will vary in intensity; the greatest in Chinese and African /majority black churches, then the M. Eastern and S. American churches, then the E. European, Western and Asian churches. See words on the 7 Lamps from the "Rev 13" link in bar above. Beware of false "revivals," though, as deception will be on the increase too, so dont give yourself over to anything spiritual as it may be of the occult. Only accept biblical manifestations of the Spirit. Follow Jesus' example in this!
Footsteps to Heaven: Whatever you do dont seek a ministry for any sort of gain or promotion for yourself, thats toxic in this season and will expose you to the falling away, link. Remember its not easy for “a camel to go through the "eye of a needle,"” (which was the name of a small, 6' high, man sized door in a wall in Jerusalem, a necessary short cut that camels would have to be pulled, pushed and led to shuffle through on their knees in order to pass, as there was no other way). What did Jesus say? “Narrow is the Gate… narrow the path… and hard is the way that leads to life.” For that we are all going to need Gods help. I received a prophetic encouragement to finish on after writing that, i.e... "Just set your little footsteps after Jesus’ bigger footsteps, and don’t expect them to always be perfectly aligned, you are going to be off angle a lot but keep going in the right general direction regardless. Then, at some point in time the anointing is going to suddenly descend upon you, and anoint you, in a circle around you, and you are going to find yourself going straight upwards, to the Heavenly Kingdom above, and you will have finished your race by Gods grace," (S. Dobbs, 2024).
ACTIVIST SECTION (Temporarily housed on this site) - needs reworking!
Get informed and active v theIHR’s and the surrender of our sovereignty to theWHOo, (link)*
WARNING: A POTENTIAL INCREASE IN DEATHS, (LINK), (a watchman not a prophetic warning!)
To avoid bot censorship the spellings "voxxine," "cavid1/9," etc were used throughout.
Use this site, to send an email to all politicians, follow the simple instructions
Start of final Voxxine Article, (ongoing)
Today: "The Globalist Plan to Build a One World Government," (A85). For their progress so far, see second half of (A89), and (A72) on the E.U. Keep studying Rev Ch 13 in the bible. In 2021 the G7 Nations agreed to intro CBDC's, i.e. a digital currency for a cashless society, with Chinese style credit controls, (link), see (A24). BBC Radio 4 is advocating hand chips, (link).
Please send an em to your M.P, (link), they are only getting Big Pharma's info, controlled by the Big Bankers, Rockkefellas, Rotheschhildds etc and oligarchs like Bill Gattes, who also control most of the main media, (link), plus 80 - 95% of Co.'s via Bllackrockk and Vanguarrd influenced shareholdings. We now already live in an oligarchy, not a free market, with their control now manifesting in the political arena too.
Pray to delay the Voxxine I.D Pass, Bill Gattes' boi-digital, Voxx hand tattoo mark, (link), which could = 666 later. Please save these & other prophecies as more censorship is surely coming, with probable, faked internet terrorism crisies used as the excuse, or the new power of A.I which will soon be able to fake videos.
A Strategy to legally, safely and effectively email all of the UKs MP's with some of the above Info and videos, (link). A site that can now help yu do this even easier, (link) (i will have to provide new ems when i can since the recent 2024 election has changed who our UK MPs are).
Detailed, ongoing voxxine article, this is taking some time, as new info keeps emerging, so I may have to redo this, (link).
Info and new videos, (link) since the pundemic started, on issues such as authoritarianism, propaganda, NWO etc.
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An End Times Poll
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