Specific Places

Green Index places

Prophecies listed in alphabetical order according to each nation or region. Click on the No's list, (the highest No is the most recent addition to the site), or the Titles below. [INT] indicate national words which have an international emphasis. 

Prophecy No's List:

C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C5b, C6, C7, C9, C10, C11, C12, C15, C16, C18, C19, C20, C21, C23, C24, C25, C26, C27**, C28, C29, C30, C33, C34, C36, C37, C38, C41, C43, C44, C45, C46, C47, C49, C50, C51, C52, C53, C54**, C55, C56, C57, C58C63, C64, C65, C67**, C68, C69C70***, C71**, C72, C73, C74***, C74bC75**, C76, C77, C78, C79*, C80, C81, C82C83, C84, C86, C87, C88, C89, C90, C91, C92, C93, C94, C95, C96, C97, C98,

Prophecy Titles in blocks for each Nation or Region:


C76), A Realigning of National Churches in ther Global Body of Christ, (S. Dobbs, 2005): "On the 29th of August 2005 the Holy Spirit gave me the following short vision: I saw many different plants, these represented the churches of different nations. Some of these were large because they had grown much in the past, others were smaller. The soil they were all growing in was more fertile in some parts of the ground than in others. The larger plants were now surrounded by soil that had become stony, hard, dry and less fertile. Some of the smaller plants however were now growing in soil that had become very rich..." [more info]



(C71), The Raising up of the Black Race in the End Times, (S. Dobbs, 2003):"The Lord showed me that “many black Christians in Britain had already set their minds on seeking revival for our nation as their priority. I then saw that when this revival arrives God will be raising up many black Christians within the British church. The Lord showed me He is going to be turning the tables on all that’s gone before, on many of the influences satan has had in Britain in the past, particularly those that stem from the days of the British Empire, on the way many white people then exalted themselves above other races..." [more info]



(C84) The Future of a UK Revival linked to African Churches within the UK, (S. Dobbs and others 2003 - 2020):"I saw a picture of an African Tent being raised up in the UK. It was a large white marquee tent in the process of being assembled here. This represented the African section of the church in the UK. The central main pole was not yet in place, but its sides were starting to be pulled up by guy ropes. At the end of these ropes were small ordinary looking wooden pegs that would attach the tent to the ground. These pegs represented ordinary UK citizen Christians, some of whom were white British Christians..." [more info]



(C5b), A Move of the Spirit to the UK from Africa, and the Two Lampstands, (Mark Aldrige, 2004):“I saw there would be two great moves of the Spirit into Britain. Both would come from Africa. The first would result in the great move of the Spirit out from Britain which was predicted by Smith Wigglesworth. The second would occur several years later and mark the beginning of the period of prophesy and power of the two lampstands as referred to in the book of Revelation, Chapter 11.” [more info]



(C47), Christian Leaders in Africa, (S. Dobbs, 2004): "The Lord showed me a picture of the continent of Africa as if I were looking at it from the north, from above in the skies of Europe. Rising up from Africa was a great mountain that stretched from the east coast to the west coast, filling almost the entire continent; on top of this mountain stood a black man... The mountain symbolised the great purposes of God that will arise out of Africa. I understood that God wants these to be led by black African men... I then saw another mountain which appeared next to the first mountain, to the right of it, from the direction of America...  [more info]



(C43), Prophetic Insights For Africa, (Mary Lindow, Feb 13, 2007): Africa will be brought to the forefront of the media as continual savage and brutal guerilla warriors and evil groups with blood lust in their hearts vie for political power and black market trade.... There are several tyrannical leaders who have continued to shake their fists at God who will be brought down in power due to health contradictions and loss of support. This will be a plot set forth by the hand of God... As I have observed.. Those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it. Job 4:8...The Father hears the tormented cries of the desperate hearts...  [more info]



(C74b)  Move of Gods Spirit and Revival Amngst the Arab and Islamic World's, (S. Dobbs, 2003): "The Holy Spirit revealed the following to me as I was worshipping in the spring of 2003. This may sound a bit ambiguous* but I felt that a move of Gods Spirit would take place amongst many in the Muslim world because of a merciful sovereign heart move of God toward them, almost because of the sense of injustice and/or desperation that many of the poorer Muslims cried out from*, i.e. not because the church had been praying for them in particular. When Gods Spirit moves toward them Jesus Christ will then be revealed as God, the Son of God to many Muslims who will then..."[more info]



(A26) The African and Chinese Churches, the Two Lampstands, (Rev Ch 11), (S. Dobbs, 2003):"In the summer of 2003 I believe the Lord gave me the following words relating to the two lampstands in the end times. I’ve described here how I received these words in order to help the reader weigh them up for themselves... Revelation Ch 11; verses 3-4, “And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth”.  (N.K.J.V). As I was praying with a friend in 2003 he suddenly exclaimed that “the Holy Spirit was going to be showing me what the two lampstands symbolised...” [more info



(C87) Shaking China and the World into Awakening, (Yvonne Coombs, 27 June 2020)"I had a powerful vision as I held out my hands in prayer and a globe of the world appeared, as I felt it begin to spin faster and faster, my hands began to shake at the velocity of its speed. Then there was a crashing down of a sword from above that drove into the top of the globe and came out the other end. As I saw this powerful image, I saw cracks going down across the earth and the sword began to turn in the opposite direction of the globe. I asked what this meant and a key came into my mind. I believe this is the key of authority as described in Isaiah 22:22..." [more info]



(C80) The EU, Brexit Prayer and the Last Days, (S. Dobbs and others, Nov 2016): “The big guns of the forces of darkness in the E.U are in place, in preparation for the upcoming national elections within major E.U nations,” (these include the coming French and German elections). The New Age Movement is rising. This is E.U related and will be followed by the Beast Empire,” (see the Book of Revelations Ch 13). Some will be overwhelmed by the enormity of this because they have not realised, or not wanted to accept, that we have moved into the end time period events of the Book of Revelations. The Interfaith Movement... [more info]


(C73), A Prophetic Word for Europe, including Britain and France, (John Mulinde, 1996/7):  It concerns the destiny of the nations in the near future. The whole picture cuts across the World covering nations like USA, UK, France and rest of Europe as well as Israel, the former Soviet Union and the African continent... One day as we prayed for Western Europe, I had a picture shown to me in the Spirit. In this picture I saw the map of the continent of Europe and as I looked, there came out of this map a big pillar of smoke. It was a tall, thick and dark pillar of heavy black fumes as from a factory chimney..." [more info]



(C44), Europe will be the Spiritual Centre of the Beast Empire, (S. Dobbs 2007): The Lord showed me that “Satan would use Islamaphobia to promote the interfaith agenda”, (to many it will appear a useful tool in the battle for hearts and minds, to control/curtail Islamic extremism). “This interfaith agenda will spread to the USA.... Envoys will be sent from Europe to the USA, first they will promote closer political links and then the interfaith agenda. The U.K will have great influence in this due to its special relationship with the US.... The spiritual heritage of global Empires coming from Europe will arise once again. Roots will..." [more info]



(C50), The European Union, E.U, is New Age, (S. Dobbs Aug 2007): I saw that “we were in the calm before the storm in Europe. All will seem calm here before the enemy advances, (the kingdom of darkness)”... “The unity that has occurred previously between Protestants and Catholics will be a forerunner to the Interfaith Movement”. [I assume from this that the unity between Protestants and Catholics came about by human means and not from Gods Spirit moving.]... “There will be great floods of deception coming into Europe and there will be casualties of this in the UK. At a personal level some believers will get deceived by counterfeits of the Holy Spirit, (that come from another spirit, from the kingdom of darkness), others will..." [more info]



(C79), Prayer, like Scissors, needed to fully break us away from the E.U, (Gill, Feb 2016): I began to think of a vision I had way back in '87 of scissors cutting through the English Channel. The Lord told me I was to pray that we are to cut off from Europe. I asked why not a sword? "You got yourselves into this mess, you are going to have to pray yourselves out. Every time you pray according to my will I will cut...cut." The vision then changed to a Britain as a battleship tired by her stern to Europe with an enormous rope; I then saw little fiery darts hitting and cutting into the rope, these I understood to be the prayers..." [more info]



(C83), A Sudden Worsening in the Rate of Moral Decline Across Europe. (Mark Aldrige, in approx 2005/6): "He saw a picture of the of the sea floor as it slants down, away from the sea shore, from where it continues to slant down deeper, under the water, to a greater depth, the further out from the shore one goes. From the shore outwards the initial incline was not as steep as it became further out to sea. At a specific point the slant of the sea floor suddenly became much steeper and then continued to go down from there at that greater gradient...  [more info]



(C49), Rapid moral decline in Europe. Political links with the USA. (S. Dobbs, Jan 2007): “I was shown that Satan was not using the full entitlement he had to forward his agenda of moral decline in Western Europe. He was deliberately holding back from using all of his ability for the time being. The reason was that the devil didn’t want to deter the Americans from developing closer political ties with Europe. I saw that whilst there are many problems in the USA Christian morality still has a greater influence in their society than in Europe’s. Many US Christians would be more resistant to closer political ties..." [more info]



(C52), John Mulindes Word for France, (1997): I will briefly say of France that as a nation, it needs a lot more prayer now than ever before. In May 1997, just before I visited France I received a very unusual impression upon my heart. I was praying for France and I felt deep in my spirit that God is pushing France into a position that it has not experienced for a very long time, being at a crossroads. He is giving France a chance to reconsider its destiny. On the one hand, is the darkness rising over the nations of Europe, and on the other is the revival God is about to send to sweep Europe... I felt deep in my spirit..." [more info] 



(C74b) A Move of Gods Spirit and Revival Amngst the Arab and Islamic World's, (S. Dobbs, 2003): "The Holy Spirit revealed the following to me as I was worshipping in the spring of 2003. This may sound a bit ambiguous* but I felt that a move of Gods Spirit would take place amongst many in the Muslim world because of a merciful sovereign heart move of God toward them, almost because of the sense of injustice and/or desperation that many of the poorer Muslims cried out from*, i.e. not because the church had been praying for them in particular. When Gods Spirit moves toward them Jesus Christ will then be revealed as God, the Son of God to many Muslims who will then..." [more info]



(C36), Iran, a Global Indicator of Movement from Militant Islam to New Age Interfaith, (Mark Aldrige, 2006): In Feb 2006 the Spirit showed me a picture of Iran and gave me the following prophetic revelation: I saw that Iran is going to be an indicator of a global shift amongst many Muslims in the future, as many move their allegiance from militant Islam to a New Age interfaith one world religion." [more info]



(C58), A Word for Israel, (John Mulinde, 1996): I saw a land and knew this to be Israel. I saw the structures, the buiudings, cities etc. Above this all were rain clouds, heavy rain clouds, therew as a storm of wind in the land, it was blowing across the land like a wirlwind. In some areas it was breaking rocks from off the mountains and it came tumbling down, and stones and huge trees were being carried in the air by this storm. The storm was breaking some of the buildings, and as I was watching the rain was coming down and it was heavy. Buildings and bridges were breaking and I saw people running for shelter..." [more info]



(C74), Ezekiel 38, the Gog of Magog War, Israel, Followed by a Move of Gods Spirit Across the Middle East, (S. Dobbs, 2002): As I was reading Ezekiel 38, verse 10 stood out, highlighted by the Holy Spirit. Ez 38; 10… "On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you (Gog of Magog) will make an evil plan". (N.K.J.V). As I continued to look at the scripture a map appeared in my minds eye. Although I had no knowledge of geography of the area I saw straight away that this was of the northern border of Iraq, where it met that of Turkey to the north and Syria to the west. Later, when I checked this..." [ more info ]



(C75), A Global Revival Will Follow Israels Acceptance of Jesus Christ, (S. Dobbs, late 1990's): The Lord showed me modern Israel in regards to it being the prodigal son and how this relates to an end times global revival... In this parable, (Luke 15; 11 - 32), the prodigal son took his inheritance early and left his father’s house. Paralleling this the Holy Spirit showed me that by rejecting Jesus as the Messiah Israel, as a nation,* had, in a similar way, forsaken God the Father. That by rejecting God the Son Israel had forsaken God the Father.... I saw that as the prodigal son eventually repented and returned to his Father..." [ more info ]


(C88), To The Maori People, (Lila Diprose, 20/6/2005): "The Maori people, My people of the land of New Zealand, will take up My banner in the days to come... My Maori people will have an authority to destroy the works of the enemy, says the Lord. I will give them a great measure of my power to pull down strongholds in this Nation... My Maori people have a special part to play. They will be forerunners, running ahead to destroy the devil's works so that when the Elijah army comes there will be a path already made to prepare the way... My Maori people will see into the spiritual realm in a mighty way. I will give them special..."  [more info]



(C89) Prophetic Word for New Zealand, especially the Maori people, (from the Inuit of the Arctic Circle, Aug 2004)"Out of the ground of New Zealand I am releasing favour and wisdom to bring restoration to the land. This is a new hour for New Zealand. Arise you peoples of New Zealand... o the Maori people – Your time of waiting and depending on others to do it for you must end. For your Lord is upon you. You must arise for what the Lord has imparted in your hearts – the Lord has entrusted you to move like no other... As you begin your warfare I will release heaven to begin a new flow in the Spirit all over the world..." [more info]



(C90), A Word for the People Called Maori, (extracts by A. Watts, 1997): "As for My people called Maori, a people of the canoe – I led them…I brought them to this land as part of a plan… I led them to this land but the land is not their destination – I am their destination. This land is not their dwelling place – I am their habitation. In Me alone, will they find life, provision and protection…They are a people of the canoe. This land is not their resting place forever. This land is only a stopover in the journey of this people with Me. Here they have no lasting habitation. For this land is not a land to settle in. This land will be shaken..." [more info]



(C91), Smith Wigglesworth and Derek Prince on Revival in New Zealand, (notes by A. Strom sometime after 2009): "Before his death in 1947 it is reported that the famous Pentecostal preacher Smith Wigglesworth prophesied to David du Plessis that “The last great outpouring of the Holy Spirit before Jesus comes would be in Australia, New Zealand, and the islands.” It has likewise been reported that in 1975 the well-known Charismatic teacher Derek Prince prophesied that Australia and New Zealand would be used by God at the turn of the 21st century to lead a great Christian revival that would spread throughout..." [more info]



(C92), God Wanst New Zealand Back, (David Pawson, 1982): "God wants New Zealand back.... He wants New Zealand back as a nation that will be a model to the nations... of a people who are living under the government of GOD... God intends New Zealand to be one of those nations where he demonstrates his Kingdom... God wants New Zealand back… New Zealand is a nation that could be brought under the government of God... and be a light to the nations.” The second part of Pawson’s prophecy was: “God wants to bring revival to New Zealand for the first time. God will bring revival through ECONOMIC RUIN.”  [more info]



(C93), The Commando Army, (Ron McKenzie): "We are nearing a time of great spiritual battle. At present God is preparing a Commando Army which can fight and win under tough conditions with few resources. Then He will drop a bomb which will almost destroy the enemy army and will shatter the conventional forces in God's army... He will then send in the Commando Army which, because of its training, has been unharmed by the bomb. It will defeat the shattered enemy army. It will treat the injured, and reorganize, re-equip and rejuvenate the shattered forces of God's conventional army. The result will be a..."  [more info]



(C94), What is God Saying to the Nation of New Zealand? (Extracts by A. Watts): "To everyone in the land - Repent! God has appointed an hour for the turning of the whole nation and it is now here! The land of New Zealand will become the land of New Zeal for the Lord... About the land - it shall be shaken. Blood cries out from the land… To the Maori - You are My people, you belong to Me. Apostolic ministries came from the other side of the world to redeem a special people for the Lord. A new harvest will come in. Then waka will journey to the nations... ANZAC 1917 - the gospel returns from the "ends of the earth" to Jerusalem..." [more info



(C96), Video of Prophetic Words for Nigeria from Rag Nation linked prophets, (Oct 1st 2020):

Video: Entitled "Nigerian 2021 Independence Day Prophecy (God says, "There is a changing of the guard!')," (link).




(C82), Protection advice for UK, (and USA, western worlds), Christians, (S. Dobbs, Jan 2017): "... God has been advising me to become a regular part of an African led congregation.  For the second time I was shown that African churches will have a protective dome of anointing over them that will help protect members of those congregations from the coming wave of deception, no matter what colour, nation or race the attendees be from. This makes sense as the coming wave of deception is in some way linked to Gods judgement on the church of the western world, but not a judgement on the Af... [more info



(C63), Holiness and the Wind of the Spirit, (David Minor 1987): The Spirit of God would say to you that the wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing through the land. The church however is incapable of fully recognising this wind. Just as your nation has given names to its hurricanes, so I have put my name on this wind. This wind shall be named ‘Holiness unto the Lord.’.. Because of a lack of understanding, some of my people will try to find shelter from the wind. But in so doing they shall miss my work. For this wind has been sent to blow through every church that name’s my name. It shall blow through every institution..." [more info]



(C77), A Word Explaining D. Minors Prophecy and Gods Judgement of God That Came Upon the UK Church in 1987, (S. Dobbs, Dec 2015): "... The Holy Spirit showed me that God has only “one way” in relation to the truth and following Him but that in the UK church in the 1980’s there had developed the beginnings of “many different ways.” I saw that these ways were full of selfish ambition and that this was overlaid and obscured by a variety of different ideologies. I saw that there were attitudes of self reliance and independence behind this, (within the UK church). This was twisting teachings... "  [more info]



(C1) An Underground Move of the Holy Spirit in the UK, (Mark Aldrige, 1999): "There are underground streams of the Holy Spirit moving in Britain at the moment, undercurrents within the British church that cannot be seen on the surface. These are moving mainly towards those Christians who are on the fringes of things, to those who have been despised, rejected or written off by other people."M.Aldrige, 2004.... [more info]



(C18), A word from God describing the state of the Church in Britain, (L. Duns, 1997): In the dream I found myself in a modern well equipped, brand new purposely built school. This school had the best facilities, equipment, and resources. I was being shown around the school by someone who I couldn't see but who I believe represented the Lord. The school was packed full of adults who were not actually in class rooms learning but were standing in the corridors. They were there for their own reasons, because they were inquisitive or seeking entertainment. They were there as spectators not participants..." [more info]



(C2), God is displeased with His house the church in Britain, (P. Miller, 2002):I feel the Lord saying when the flaws in that house become apparent, when I have shaken it a little so that the flaws were apparent, you have shored it up to keep it stable and to keep it upright, but you did not pay attention to the foundations and so you have shored it up again and again to keep it going and you have been ingenious in shoring it up, in newer and newer ways, compensating for the inadequacy of the building and that which once served my purpose at one time-the sense is- that I have long since..." [more info]



(C23), A Wind of unbelief blowing across the Nation, (S. Dobbs, 2004):  In 2004 I believe the Lord showed me that a spiritual wind of unbelief is now blowing across the nation, (in the UK but probably also in other nations in the Western world in particular as well). This can cause those affected by it to doubt the faith, and even fall away, far more rapidly than has previously been the case. I also saw that a good way to avoid this wind was to serve God's larger scale agendas and purposes* for e.g. by regularly spending time praying for the town or city in which one lived. Whilst it is God's will that we..." [more info]



(C24), Praise Fires in a Spiritual Winter, (S. Dobbs, Jan 2004): In 2004 I believe the Lord gave me the following picture and word: I saw that a spiritual winter season was approaching and the environment was going to become increasingly cold spiritually. I saw that there were bonfires around as well though and that these were giving off warmth to those who were near them. They symbolised anointed Christian praise meetings. The bonfires were larger than they had been in Britain in the past, and gave off more warmth. This was a great spiritual blessing to those who were near them. I understood..." [ more info ]



(C26), A Word Describing Todays Spiritual Climate, (L. Duns, Feb 2004): Recently I was walking along a beach in the late afternoon. At this beach the tides go out a long way exposing dangerous mud flats which seem to extend as far as the eye can see. The sea comes in very fast and many people have been caught by these tides in the mud and some have died as a result. As is common here the sea and the cloudy, misty sky were both grey and it was very hard to see clearly or distinguish between these two elements. I felt the Lord emphasise that the spiritual climate was similar to the scene I was..." [more info]



C80), The E.U, Brexit Prayer and the Last Days, (S. Dobbs and others, Nov 2016): “The big guns of the forces of darkness in the E.U are in place, in preparation for the upcoming national elections within major E.U nations,” (these include the coming French and German elections)...The New Age Movement is rising. This is E.U related and will be followed by the Beast Empire,” (see the Book of Revelations Ch 13)... Some will be overwhelmed by the enormity of this because they have not realised, or not wanted to accept... [more info]



(C64), Many will soon abandon the Faith across the UK, (S. Dobbs, 2014):  In September 2014 the Lord showed me that the following will soon happen in the UK church. Spiritual calamity, a wave of great deception and then persecution will soon start within the UK: “Many of the present believers in the UK will turn inward and away from what is really happening spiritually within the UK. They will turn within themselves and listen to the lies the devil has sown into their hearts rather than face the consequences of their nation’s church not responding to the call of God. They will escape into their imaginations instead... [more info]



(C95) A Dark Cloud, Barriers to Perceiving the End Times, Gods Anointing and Light arrives later/soon, (S. Dobbs, 28th, 2020): "The almost imperceptible cloud above, that has been growing gradually darker overall since 1996, can descend down next to some individuals as a smaller cloud. This positions itself next to them personally and blocks them off from much of God’s presence. This can induce discouragement, a lack of motivation to follow God as earnestly, confusion as to why this is happening to them..."    [more info



(C81), A Prophetic Warning for a Specific Ministry, (S. Dobbs, Dec 20th, 2016): As I prayed I saw that “a cloud of confusion had now been sent by the enemy to influence vision within this ministry... This cloud had entitlement to operate because a partial idol had already been created there, (“partial” because this wasn’t a full blown idol, there was an area of about a 1/6 of its size, near the middle section of this idol, where it was incomplete, missing and didn’t operate). This idol was reflected in thoughts such as; “I will be the way,” and “we are the ones who see.” But Jesus alone is the way, the truth and the gate... [more info]



(C57), Churches will be burnt down in the UK, (S. Dobbs, 2007): In 2007 The Lord showed me that disaffected black youth will start attacking and burning down Christian churches. The devil will stir them up to this in anger. Their anger will stem from their awareness that many Christians and Christian groups in Britain had been involved in the slave trade in the past, for e.g. The Church of England and some Quakers. Other churches had honoured men who had earned their money from the slave trade, or accepted donations from them. Because the Christian church did not respond appropriately or as God..."  [more info]



(C45), Waves of Deception Entering the UK, (David Noakes 1990): “During the summer of 1990, the members of the ministry team of which I was part met together for a day to pray and wait upon the Lord about this perplexing matter of the then-impending visit of the Kansas City prophets. During that time, I received and shared a vivid mental picture... I saw first a large flat empty expanse of sand on a seashore. The sea was a very long way back down the beach, and scattered about on the sand were a number of large rocks, all of which seemed to be about four to five feet high. Each rock had ..." [more info]



(C55), Vision of the Acid Rain Cloud in England, (by Richard Smith, 1994):Following a period of pouring out my distressed feelings about the condition of the Church to Jesus, who is our heavenly Advocate, I saw ahead of me a large billowing black cloud which carried lots of soot and other pollutants. Its sulphurous stench revealed that here was no natural cloud, but rather it was the type of acid cloud which arises from the explosion of some chemical plant or oil installation. Blown by its own momentum, the acid cloud was rapidly heading towards a low waterless desert plain which lay beneath some rocky mountains." [more info]



(C28), A False Teacher Influencing the People of God. (C. Nambasa July 2004): I saw a white lady, her back towards me, who was looking directly at an open door which had a very bright light in it. Her legs however were shackled in chains so she could not move through this door. As I continued looking I saw the chains being loosened from her legs and immediately she started walking through the door. Though all this was shown to me during the time I was praying for Bristol I also believe that it also applies to Britain. I did not understand exactly what God was showing me so I prayed for more revelation..." [ more info ]



(C56), The Growth of Paganism in the UK, (S. Dobbs 2011): I saw that thick light grey/off white coloured clouds had already moved down from the sky and were now very close to the ground over the UK, (I believe something similar to this word will happen across the entire western world). These symbolised spiritual influences from the kingdom of darkness. These did not look threatening as their light colour belied their true nature. I saw that this symbolised what was already going on in the spiritual realm over the UK at present...In the same picture I saw that there were pagan influences already operating at ground... [more info]



(C25), The Falling Away, (S. Dobbs, 2003):  I saw a picture of a grave which symbolised the lost souls of all those unbelievers who had died without having received Christ. Meanwhile though many of the Christians had sought amusements for themselves in their meetings and ignored the plight of these unbelievers. Jesus was emphasising the need to "die to the self in the Christian life"... I saw a picture of different routes that Christians could choose to follow. The choices were down to each persons freewill. Some routes were more in line with Jesus' will, others routes were laid out by satan for..." [ more info ]



(C54), A Sinking Ship, Falling Away and a Grassroots Move of God in the UK, (S. Dobbs, Jan 2006): In the first picture I saw a view of many undulating hills, large rounded mounds which stood close together. They were covered in healthy, vigorous short green grass, a bit like the grass you would see on the causeway of a golf course. The hills were all roughly the same size and shape, not particularly large or high, perhaps about forty to sixty feet high. These had narrow valleys dipping down sharply in between them. This picture symbolised the state of churches in the UK just at the start of the season, (possibly..." [ more info ]



(C65), A Future UK Grassroots Move of God and a False Movement Appearing Within This, (S. Dobbs 2014): "Gra is central to grassroots fellowshipping. Take away grace and you end up with another legalistic edifice and the people who are part of that will betray one another. And the Pharisees amongst them will issue their commands, like others before.”... Dust was being blown up from the ground and understood that; “From the dust of the earth another born again Christian movement will appear within a genuine, future, grassroots move of God. This 2nd born again movement will be the false part of a future..." [more info]



(C29), A Previous Oppertunity for a  Move of Gods Spirit  in Britain. (A. Sheffield, 05.09.01): I saw a picture of some dry land and there was a small bit of water on it. The land looked like it had once been full of water but had since dried up. The land had debris on it and there were trees that were dying and producing bad fruit because of the dryness of the land. I believe this land represents this nation that once knew revival but has over many years dried up. I then saw that with our prayers and intercession God opened the floodgates and a tidal wave of water pushed its way in power onto the land. And the water came with such a force that... [more info]



(C20), Revival in the UK will be different to what we are expecting, (L. Perry 2005): When interceding for the United Kingdom, the Lord brought a picture to my heart of a field of bright coloured flowers, with every colour, shape and form you could ever imagine. The aroma was strong and thick and stretched out all over the world. This was a garden of great beauty, one that would draw many from all over the world to, to appreciate its magnificence and beauty... This I believe was the Lords heart for the United Kingdom. The Lord longs to build the United Kingdom into a place of beauty, of creativity, growth..." [more info]



(C34), Lava Flows of the Spirit Across the UK, (Mark Aldrige, 2004): I saw flows of red hot volcanic lava bubbling up from under the surface of the earth in various places across Britain. In some places a lava stream would emerge, flow for a while, then stop, cool down & solidify. In other places it would stop then start again later on. In others the lava would flow continually and spread out to the surrounding areas or join up with flows of lava from other places... The lava represented moves of the Holy Spirit and revival in various places across Britain in the future. I saw that this would happen in the towns and cities..." [more info]



(C21), The Lights of Revival (L. Duns, 2004): I received the following picture and word as I was praying in the Spirit in 2004. It came as part of a word for a well known Christian ministry in Britain, to encourage them to persue being led by the Spirit in where they held their future revival meetings. It is likely though that this picture also portrays the general pattern of revival centres across Britain in the future... I saw a map of Great Britain with many lights burning brightly across it, in various towns and cities. It was hard to recall exactly where all of these were later on but I remembered these lights had been..." [more info]



(C7), A Prophetic Word for Europe with an Emphasis on Britain, (John Mulinde, 1996): One day as we prayed for Western Europe, I had a picture shown to me in the Spirit. In this picture I saw a map of the continent of Europe and as I looked, there came out of this map a big pillar of smoke. It was a tall, thick and dark pillar of heavy black fumes as from a factory chimney. The fumes rose up very slowly and gradually began spreading out... From the pillar came a thin mist and it began spreading out almost imperceptibly but within a short time it had formed a dark film over the entire continent of Europe. As the mist grew..." [more info]



(C71), The Raising up of the Black Race in the End Times, (S. Dobbs, 2003): The Lord showed me that “many black Christians in Britain had already set their minds on seeking revival for our nation as their priority. I then saw that when this revival arrives God will be raising up many black Christians within the British church. The Lord showed me He is going to be turning the tables on all that’s gone before, on many of the influences satan has had in Britain in the past, particularly those that stem from the days of the British Empire, on the way many white people then exalted themselves above other races..." [ more info ]



(C19), Black Christians and Gods Lightening War in the U.K. (S. Dobbs, Nov 2002): The Lord showed me that He will be unleashing a "lightening war" against the forces of darkness across Britain. To help us understand this God showed me that the spiritual strategy that He will employ will parallel that used in the natural by the Germans at the beginning of the Second World War. As the German forces were able to win a quick victory over the equally powerful French army so God is going to use black Christians to win quick victories over many of the powers of darkness across Britain. This will..." [more info]



(C3),  A Wave of the Spirit coming to Britain from Africa, (L. Duns,1996): In 1996 after a time of prayer, the Lord gave me this vision. It was of an enormous tidal wave which was golden in colour. It came from Africa and hit this country with such force that it saturated our nation. God was showing us that a mighty move of the Spirit was going to come to Britain from Africa... I felt that the golden colour represented God's love and purity from heaven. I saw this tidal wave break upon Bristol in the South West of England." .. [more info]



(C5), A move of the Spirit from Africa, the falling away and the two lampstands, (Mark Aldrige, 2004): Smith Wigglesworth prophecy "The Great revival", (see word NoA6 on this list), predicted that a great move of the Spirit would come out from Britain to mainland Europe. L. Dunseith had a vision in 1996 that a great wave of God's Spirit would come into Britain from Africa, (see word No A5.) At first it appears these two words contradict each other... In 2004, as I was praying about this apparent contradiction, I received the following pictures and word which seemed to link these two previous prophesies." [more info]



(C84) The Future of a UK Revival linked to African Churches within the UK, (S. Dobbs and others 2003 - 2020): I saw a picture of an African Tent being raised up in the UK. It was a large white marquee tent in the process of being assembled here. This represented the African section of the church in the UK. The central main pole was not yet in place, but its sides were starting to be pulled up by guy ropes. At the end of these ropes were small ordinary looking wooden pegs that would attach the tent to the ground. These pegs represented ordinary UK citizen Christians, some of whom were white British Christians..." [more info]



(C4), The Great Revival and Two Distict Moves of God Before This, (Smith Wigglesworth, 1947): During the next few decades there will be two distinct moves of the Holy Spirit across the church in Great Britain. The first move will affect every church that is open to receive it and will be characterised by a restoration of the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit... The second move of the Holy Spirit will result in people leaving historic churches and planting new churches... In the duration of each of these moves, the people who are involved will say, "This is a great revival" but the Lord says "No, neither is..." [more info]



(C6), A Prophecy Which Helps Interpret Smith Wigglesworths Prophecy and its Effect in the UK, (S. Dobbs, 2004): In 2004 I was puzzled by Smith Wigglesworth’s word/prediction "The Great Revival". At first glance this word appeared to imply that the greatest ever global move of God will start in the U.K. This impression arises because the first three predictions contained in this word relate specifically to this nation, [Note added in 2009 - these predictions also relate to events in other Western nations and beyond too], i.e. the baptism and gifts of the Spirit being restored, the new church phase in Britain, and then the waning of this phase, (all these predictions have since come to pass). Not surprisingly therefore..." [more info]



(C51), Further Prophetic Insights into Smith Wigglesworth's Prediction of a Great Revival, (S. Dobbs, 2009): I was shown that this prophecy is looking at the Great Revival from a British perspective. This was because Smith Wigglesworth was himself a British man who was mainly prophesying here to British Christians. I saw that this does not mean however that the Great global Revival itself will necessarily centre on Britain, that it will necessarily start in Britain, or that it will necessarily have more power in Britain than anywhere else in the world. Today many people are making these assumptions even though..."  [more info]



(C9), Three Stages to the Great Revival, (Smith Wigglesworth, 1939):  Smith Wigglesworth received this word from the Holy Spirit as he was praying in 1939.He saw there would be three stages to the Great Revival,1. Miracles 2. Teaching3. Miracles and Teaching.... [more info]



(C11), A Period of Teaching and Discernment During a Move of God, (S. Dobbs, 2004): In 2004, as I was praying about Smith Wigglesworth's prediction of a great move of Gods Spirit in Britain, I received the following word in the form of a visual impression. I believe this to have been from the Holy Spirit.... I saw that once the initial first thrust of this move had finished there would be a season of teaching and discernment within the British church. Although no exact length of time was indicated I had the impression that this would be one of the major focuses in Britain for a couple of years." [more info]



(C10), Teaching Florishing in Britain During Revival Moves, (Derek Prince, 1992): UCB asked D. Prince if there'd be a revival in Britain and Derek Prince said yes. When he was in South Africa there was an area called Namakwaland. A very desert area, very little grows on it. And it can stay that way for five or six or more years ,but at rare intervals it rains heavily and when the rain falls there's the most gorgeous display of flowers you could see anywhere in the World. The reason is the seeds had lain dormant beneath the soil but because of the dryness they didn't germinate. But when the rain fell..." [more info]



(C12), A Future Wall of Intersession Protecting Revival in Britain (L. Duns, 1994): I saw a picture of the white cliffs of Dover. Then I saw the same image in a different form, this time as many believers standing next to each other shoulder to shoulder. They were praying for this nation once revival had started, praying that the Lords work would be protected. Just as in the natural world the white cliffs form a barrier that prevents the sea from coming into the land so the Lord was saying that he will raise up intercessory ministries that will stand together and prevent the world or the enemy from infiltrating..." [more info]



(C16), An encouraging word concerning the effectiveness of men and women coming together for the Kingdom of God. (L. Duns, 2003): In October of this year I had a dream which I believe came from the Lord. I saw a dessert plain. On the left of this plain was an army in pairs represented as blue metal ball-bearings. On the right was another army in pairs of pink ball-bearings, they were on the same side. In the dream I asked the Lord "why are they separate?" Almost before I had a chance to finish asking the armies rolled in unison together at lightning speed and formed one single unit that went straight ahead and..." [more info]



(C15), A Message from the Lord for the Church in Bristol (and UK), (S. Dobbs, 2003):  In May 2003 the Lord led me to set a week aside to pray as much as possible for black unbelievers living in Bristol today. As I was praying in tongues along these lines it was as if I became a bystander and was observing Jesus speaking this message to the Christians in Bristol by his Holy Spirit.... Whilst praying I saw an image of Jesus wearing a diadem upon his head with a large single stone or jewel on the front of it. I believe this signified his kingship over the church in Bristol. I had the impression he had many crowns..." [more info]




C98) Dean Phillips, 2024 US Presidential Candidate Word, (S. Dobbs, Jan 8th, 2024): "As I was looking into who may win the next Presidential election in the USA, (to be held in Nov this year, 2024), I saw the following superimposed upon/within a picture of Democrat Dean Phillips. I can’t say I’ve had any discernment on this though, nor did this actually state he will win this or the next election, however it may suggested this as this was the point of my inquiry: Firstly..." [more info]



C97) Comments on Asbury University, a Revival? Discernment followed a short Prediction at the end, S. Dobbs, 18th Feb 2023: As of 18th Feb, I do believe that what is taking place at Asbury is genuine, it seems spiritually pure, and the students there seem to be quite well rooted in reality, and I expect in the bible, (at least so far). However, I don’t believe or accept most of what is now being claimed about these events by much of the Christian media. Some of the larger online prophetic ministries are also trying to co-opt the Asbury meetings as proof that their previously failed predictive prophecies were true after all, and are now coming to pass... [more info]



(C72) The Cup of Judgement is Full, (Evangelist Danny Louise Abaldo, July 2001): The Cup is now full, I have given all ample warning, I have held off my judgment so long, but now, as I am a righteous God, so my judgment comes at a righteous time, and that time is when the cup of sin is full, this unrighteous , unholy cup, is now full, it is starting to spill over, what am I to do, clean up the blood that is over flowing? and indeed I will, but not with A servants cloth, but with a holy fire, that will consume the overflow and the cup that is full.... I have no other option, no other choice, I must as a holy and righteous God..." [more info]



(C30), A Word for North America. (Cindy Jacobs): North America is in a season of testing. The scales of justice are being held over that continent and the outcome will depend upon the fervency of My sons and daughters. The great cloud of witnesses of those who have gone before you are waiting to see the results. This is a time to press and press until the courts are shifted and My glory unveiled. The shifting of the courts will unleash a signs and wonders movement of massive proportions... There is a linking, I say, in justice being done in a nation and the manifestation of My glory. So I say to you, it is a time to..." [more info]



(C70), Three Judgements and Gods Last Word for America, (John Mulinde, 2004): "...Nine minutes into the video J. Mulinde describes how he felt it very hard to break through into the presence of God whilst he was in the USA. The Lord spoke to him after a while and said, “It’s not about you but about the land the land where you are, there are layers and layers and layers of darkness covering this land and this darkness is like a veil separating my people from my presence, and hindering their prayers and quenching the spirit of prayer in the people, quenching faith in the people, quenching zeal, and putting them as low... more info ]



(C68), A Pearl Harbour for the US church, (James Kehrli, 1984): In December of 1984, about a week after I purchased an old 1940 Cadillac sedan, I was driving around thinking about times gone by, particularly the time before and during World War II.  Suddenly I heard the Lord say to me, very softly, "It's 1940 and Pearl Harbor is coming up for the Church.”  I thought about betrayal, warfare, death and awakening! I prayed to the Lord about it and He began to reveal to me more about Pearl Harbor.  He reminded me of a scene from the film Tora Tora Tora in which one of the Japanese military leaders remarked... [more info]



(C49), Rapid moral decline in Europe. Political links with the USA. (S. Dobbs, Jan 2007): “I was shown that Satan was not using the full entitlement he had to forward his agenda of moral decline in Western Europe. He was deliberately holding back from using all of his ability for the time being. The reason was that the devil didn’t want to deter the Americans from developing closer political ties with Europe. I saw that whilst there are many problems in the USA Christian morality still has a greater influence in their society than in Europe’s. Many US Christians would be more resistant to closer political ties..." [more info]



(C69), A Division in the US Church, the Interfaith is Arising, Decisions to Make, (S. Dobbs, June 2015): "There will soon be a division of ways amongst believers as the interfaith arises. Those believers of good conscience will avoid the interfaith because it is full of contradictions and contradicts My gospel and My name. A door of decision is open a jar but will soon be closing... Lies from the pit of hell are also arising; these state that revival is about to come to this land, (the USA ). Many are saying “it is in our natures, it is in our very beings; revival is coming upon us as we are in the likeness of Christ. The stone was..." [more info]



(C33), Vision For The American Church, (Rev B. Franklin, 1996): I saw the American Church. It was a fat, old, spoiled, grouchy, sleeping man. I saw in a bed inside a house sleeping & snoring, but restless. I saw a woman, probably his wife, symbolizing the prophets, continuing to come, and prodding the grouchy old man to wake up. Every time she came and spoke out, urging him to wake up, he lazily turned over and soon began to react with irritation and pushed her away... Each time she came, she became more earnest and each time she did, he became more irritated and soon pulled the pillow over his head, lazy and angry... [more info]



(C41), Great Judgements, (Stanley Frodisham, 1965): "With great judgements will plead with the population of this country. Great darkness is coming upon the countries that have heard My gospel but no longer walk in it. My wrath shall come upon them. The darkness shall be so great and the anguish so sore that men shall cry out for death and shall not find it. There shall be a lingering death, famine and great catastrophes... My wrath shall be manifest against all ungodliness. It shall come with great intensity. You have known my love but have not experienced My wrath or My severity. My judgements are literal..." [more info]



(C46), Interfaith and the Dangers of Self Promotion Amongst Some Christians, (S. Dobbs, 2005): "the beast from the earth symbolises an inter faith organisation that will evolve over time, eventually emerging as the antichrists one world religion in the end times. This present prophecy shows how parts of the body of Christ are already being softened up in advance of this by the enemy today. Many Christians will end up compromising with this inter faith religion in the future as they abandon true faith in Christ. The Lord showed me that this is “ON OUR DOORSTEP" ”, i.e. it is about to start appearing... [more info]



(C27), The Church of the U.S.A will be Filtered by Deception: (S. Dobbs 2005)The Lord showed me that there is going to be a flood of deception* infiltrating much of the U.S church in the near future, (the gift of discernment of spirits is therefore going to become increasingly important)... Why the Lord will allow these deceptions: I was extremely disheartened by this as the U.K receives a lot of help from some good U.S ministries and there are close links between these two nations. The Spirit then ministered to me again and showed me that God was sovereign and that this was His will. I saw that although this increase..." [more info]



(C37), The Balance Between the Strong and Weak Parts of the US Church , (S. Dobbs, 2007): I was aware from the book of Revelation, in the letters to the churches, that a form of judgement can come upon sections of the body of Christ. Perhaps “discipline” is a more appropriate word to use. I believe that the church of the UK has been in such a possition since the late eighties which explains why, generally speaking, that there has been a significant reduction in the anointing here since then. Other prophetic words have led me to believe some sort of discipline/judgement was soon to come upon the church of the USA... [more info]



(C38), The Creeping Influence Of The Banks And Freemasonry Within The USA. (S. Dobbs, 2007): The Holy Spirit showed me that increasing environmental disasters were going to become financially burdensome to the USA. The American governments will be forced to borrow more dollars from the banks to cope with this. This will combine with the high cost of the US foreign policy and its bid to remain the dominant influence in the world. As a result the USA will have ever increasing debts to the banks... These banks are greatly influenced by Freemasonry. Many leading bankers are secret Freemasons. They will... [more info]



(C53), A Prophecy For America, (B. J. Franklin, Aug 2009): "Your sins overflow like Niagra Falls, causing a mist to cover your eyes. The time has come that your blindness, negligence, as well as willful disobedience, even with brazen boldness, has led you astray... Your enemies are within you, so within you your enemies will rise up inside your very borders. Oh the agony and shame you will bear... Storms will sweep from sea to seas and your feet will tremble. You have lost your bearings from the things that made you great. Your eyes grew haughty, and pride filled your breast. You took credit for your own success which... [more info]



(C67), The USA Will be Split into Four Nations, (D. Smith, June 2009): "End Times Prophecy USA is Babylon and will be split into four nations: "Last night while praying before I went to bed, The Lord gave me a vision that really rattled me. In the vision I saw this land split into four parts with each one under its own flag. Each region had terrible destruction and many people were dead. As I looked over the destruction I was crying and the Lord asked me, "Why are you crying over the fall of Babylon? As a matter of fact, why have you been praying for the healing of Babylon?" In this vision I didn't have an answer ... [more info]



(C78), A False Hope of a Christian, Global, Apostolic, Government, (S. Dobbs, Jan 2016): "A fear still prevails amongst many Christians. There is reluctance amongst them to accept that we will have to suffer and pay a high price here on earth for our faith. Instead many are still clinging to the idea of earthly “Christian” triumph in this age. This is a false hope, an escaping into the imagination away from the reality. This is linked to the error of believing that an earthly Christian government will emerge to rule the world in this age. This has led to reluctance amongst many to accept the truth... [more info]




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