A7) A word linking two earlier predictions concerning a great move of the Spirit in Britain, as well as the falling away, (Mark Aldrige, 2004).
Smith Wigglesworth prophecy “The Great revival”, (see word No A6 on this list), predicted that a great move of the Spirit would come out from Britain to mainland Europe. L. Duns had a vision in 1996 that a great wave of God’s Spirit would come into Britain from Africa, (see word No A5.) At first it appears these two words contradict each other.
In 2004, as I was praying about this apparent contradiction, I received the following pictures and word which seemed to link these two previous prophesies. The following flashed across my minds eye. I saw a pond, with concentric ripples in it, similar to those one would see if a stone were thrown into the centre of a lake. However instead of starting at the centre of the pool and moving out towards its edge as would normally happen, these ripples started at the edge of the pool and moved in towards its centre. These ripples symbolised smaller moves of the Spirit coming into Britain from Africa. One of these ripples was far larger than the others, this symbolised the great wave of the Spirit that would come into Britain from Africa as predicted by L. Duns. This larger wave was preceded and followed by the smaller ripples.
After this I saw these same ripples arrive one at a time at the centre of the pool and then bounce back out in concentric rings to the edge of the pool again. This symbolised the waves of the Spirit that would then come out from Britain to other parts of the world. When the large wave of the Spirit from Africa bounced back out from the centre of the pool in this way this symbolised the great move of the Spirit that would come out from Britain to mainland Europe as predicted by Smith Wigglesworth.
So first the great wave of the Spirit would come into Britain from Africa and then this would stimulate a great move of the Spirit out from Britain to mainland Europe and the rest of the world.
According to what I believe God’s shown me, therefore, L. Duns prediction does not contradict Smith Wigglesworth’s prophecy but relates to events that immediately preceded it.
I then saw another set of ripples coming into Britain, they followed a similar pattern to the ones in the first picture. These however symbolised enemy waves into this country. They symbolised influences from the kingdom of darkness that would cause some Christians to compromise or fall away from the faith. These waves had already started to arrive in our nation today. One of these ripples was also larger than the others and this symbolised the great falling away from the faith as predicted by St Paul in 2 Thess 2 v 3 (N.K.J.V). Smaller waves of falling away from the faith preceded and followed this larger wave of falling away.
I saw that the waves of God’s Spirit into and out of Britain and the enemy waves of falling away would occur in the same season and overlap each other. This would lead to a polarisation of light and darkness in Britain and indeed in the rest of the world as well.
Lastly I saw that there would also be a second great wave of the Holy Spirit into Britain from Africa. It would arrive a little while after the first one and would correspond with the season of prophesy and power of the two lampstands, as predicted by St John in Rev 11, v 3 - 7.