The Jesuit Order: First draft - yet to edit
There have been many ordinary, good Jesuit priests throughout history. However, everyone now knows that the Order was set up with an undercover agenda that is obscured by this. The Jesuits, (the Society of Jesus), were set up, (in ???) as the espionage wing of the Catholic Church during the height of the reformation when many western monarchs and their nations were breaking away from the Popes authority and turning to Protestantism instead. The main original function of the Jesuits was to recruit young men as undercover agents who would be sent to train as leaders within protestant seminaries in the hope that they could rise to the top of those protestant denominations, with the help of the network of other Jesuit agents and then bring those denominations back under the authority of the Pope. However, the leaders of the Jesuits have probably never been real Catholics or Christians. Their leader Ignatius Loyola, (date), (and his companions), had converted to Christianity, and then presented themselves as Trinitarian’s, loyal to the Pope, only after their arrest by the Spanish Inquisition for membership of a Spanish occult group called the Illuminati. We know that no one finds genuine faith through the threat of torture so their conversion can’t have been real.
The Illuminati, (meaning the Illuminated Ones), were probably a Gnostic group in the vain of the Knights Templar, a popular C4th form of Gnosticism. Christian Gnosticism combined Babylonian Gnosticism with Christianity. This had originally spread like wild fire across the Churches in the C2nd but went underground when persecuted by the Catholic Church. It has a Hinduistic spiritual structure in which an unknowable loving God of heaven reveals Himself through a pyramid structure of descending deities, gods goddesses, angels demons and then human beings. Within this both Jesus and Lucifer are seen as the highest manifestations of God, along with a goddess known as Sophia, whilst Jehovah, the Jewish god, is seen as a lesser evil deity, the offspring of Sophia, known as the demiurge. Salvation comes through acquiring Gnosis, mystical knowledge and encounters with higher deities, not faith in Christ’s death on the cross for our sins. Gnostics originally believed they were the true Christians persecuted for their beliefs by the followers of the demiurge, which included in particular the Catholic Church and Jews. The misnamed “Christian” Gnosticism formed the basis of much of the modern occult in the western world and the various forms of Satanism. Today the New Age Movement very much mirrors Gnostic beliefs, with its contradictory many ways to god belief system which tolerates and endorses Lucifer worship. So Ignatius Loyola probably adhered to these beliefs but after arrest by the Spanish Inquisition found he had to hide this even more carefully, present himself as a Trinitarian and gain influence from inside the Catholic Church. The original member of the Illuminati would have been well adapted to the secrecy needed to form the espionage wing of the Catholic Church. As the Jesuit Order they would not really have been loyal to the Pope but simply utilising the resources he gave them to extend their own power and influence both inside the Catholic Church as well in the secular world they sent their agents out into. They largely failed to take over the protestant denominations which would not have followed such false leaders back under the Popes authority anyway, (although today the ecumenical movement is having some success, and there are many Jesuit agents operating as Gnostic like mystics, supposed prophets, within the charismatic movement in the USA as well as leaders within the evangelical movement too. Anyone who joins the Catholic Order of the Knights of Malta is bound to be a Jesuit undercover agent or lined in some way). Since the Enlightenment (date fits???), the Jesuit leadership appear to have embraced atheism whilst maintaining Gnosticism as their outward belief system, (maybe because atheism is so boring and lacks a magnetic pull that a secret society needs?). The Freemasons have gone through exactly the same transformation.
In the Napoleonic era the Jesuits are known to have infiltrated the Freemasonry Movement too, which was also an opponent of Papal power. There they would have found common ground with the many atheist or Gnostic Freemasons. This may have been the beginning of their long term alliance as bot are believed to have plans to dominate the world. Like two poisonous vines both have entwined together as they seek to control society and come to dominance within the world. They are also competitors, though, and fight for dominance with each other. Outwardly it appears an unlikely alliance, the independent big business men and billionaire who could be classified as Freemasonry types, joining forces with a religious Order. However, most Jesuit recruits do not become priests but remain true in appearance to whatever area they have chosen as their field, e.g. they may grow to become big business men, even billionaires or politicians, so will often be almost indistinguishable from the Freemasonry types. This must make it easier for the two groupings to operate together in their pursuit of a One World Government.
*Today young Jesuit enthusiastic agents are often recruited from one the many secondary education establishments or universities controlled by the Catholic Church, which has a huge network of these. The Jesuit leadership appear to prefer recruiting atheists or Gnostic types as agents to perpetuate their own beliefs. I doubt if any of the genuinely Christian Priests or associate have ever made it to the top of the Jesuit power structure. These “agents form a lifelong alliance with the Jesuit Order, probably making an oath, unot death, of loyalty to promote the Jesuit pursuit of a Unified Humanitarian Government that promises to bring peace on earth to all mankind. In return these young people, (mostly men), get access to the huge network of Jesuit contacts and groups that has built up over centuries. Their spider like network spans every area of society, from the fields of politic s and big business, to actors and pop musicians. When young politicians with relatively little experience suddenly appear in high position within politics this is often a sign they have been assisted by the Jesuit network. Up until the financial crash the Catholic Church had a majority shareholding in the bank of America and the Jesuit business men are known to have run this for them. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton are known to have been backed by the Jesuit Order. The fact that Biden has a catholic priest travel everywhere with him when he flies around the world suggests to me that may be his Jesuit handler. Obama is another candidate, as he can’t have emerged as US President as fast as he did without connections. This gives an idea of how extensive the Jesuit network is. Another e.g. may have been Tony Blair, who always had his mentor from college, Lord ???, sit in on all his cabinet meetings even though he wasn’t even an M.P. As soon as he left office Blair had an appointment with the Pope and officially became a Catholic. He now has his own Interfaith Foundation which lines up well with the Jesuit Gnostic belief system and New Age Movement, (which by the way was set up by a female 32 degree Freemason, Alice Bailey). The Interfaith Movement has the Jesuit Pope now presiding over it. President Macron of France, on the other hand, suddenly emerged even more spectacularly within politics but he came from a banking background, employed by the Rothschild’s, which suggested he utilised the Freemasonry network instead. The Catholic Church has a huge influence within the E.U as well though. Within Christianity the supposed protestant prophet, Rick Joyner, is almost certainly linked to the Jesuits, (as are many of the other more wayward unbiblical “prophet” types), probably since he was nineteen and in the Navy. Joyner is now the head of the powerful Knights of Malta for all of North America. This gives him authority within the Catholic Church just below the rank of a Cardinal, (as they also vote for future papal candidates). One more promotion and Joyner will become head of the entire Order which is becoming increasingly powerful within the Catholic Jesuit controlled Church these days. Other relatively decent people may be connected. I’m thinking of Elon Musk, possibly the richest man in the world. He is advancing the field of bio-computing and cyborg technology which appears to be so central to the oligarch’s future plans for global population control. He appears to me to be a genuine humanitarian, though, with concern for the welfare of mankind, so may, however, have emerged in his position independently, it is hard to tell. Watch out for people like Arnold Schwarzenegger, though, who was close to the former leader of the Knights of Malta, which suggests to me that he may have been groomed for high office. His almost seamless move from body building, to film star, and then to Governor of California is highly suspicious, (although he did marry into the Kennedy family too). Old age has not dampened his ambitions. Schwarzenegger’s team are trying to get the US constitution changed so that non U.S born citizens, like Schwarzenegger, can run for president. At the end of an interview, (aired on UK T.V in 2003), I saw Arnold say that when he died he wanted to be remembered for hundreds of years, or thousands as Jesus Christ was. People with ambitions on that scale are very often narcissists or sociopaths. They often do well within the dog eat dog structure of the free market system. They also do well as undercover agents, whether this is for the CIA or Jesuit Order. Morals, such as lying, rarely hold them back as they have to cover up many of their true motives in life anyway. I’m not qualified to say who may be sociopathic but Bill Gates worries me. Although both of his parents were linked to the Rockefellers, (which suggests a Freemasonry connection), I read that he presently attends a Catholic Church even though he is an atheist - which would suggest a Jesuit connection. It’s perhaps important to remember that, like most people, all these types are almost all out for themselves first and, as in the world of espionage, (where you get double and triple agents who play the different sides off for their own advantage), many aligned to these two competing globalist’s networks will be doing the same. After hundreds of years of these Jesuit and Freemasonry networks weaving their way into the fabric of society within the western world, but also beyond, it must be very hard for those not connected to reach the top, and they could easily set up or block anyone they don’t want in power. It was a scandal that caused ??? to withdrew from the French presidential election in 20?? That allowed the Rothschild connected Macron into power.
An example of a conflict between the Jesuits and freemasons occurred in the years preceding the election of Donald Trump. There was a power struggle for control of the powerful Order of the Knights of Malta/St John, (which appears to have incorporated the Gnostic Order of the Knights Templar when they were banished hundreds of years ago). The Pope had to be called in and ruled in favour of the Jesuits. This also reveals just how powerful the Freemasons also are, though, even within the heart of Catholicism itself. Soon after that the FBI officially started its investigation in to Hillary Clintons emails, even though she was running for US President at the time. This must have severely under mined her campaign. During the run up to that election Trump was seen making Freemasonry hand signals which alarmed many. He may have had to do a deal with them to run as a presidential candidate? Perhaps, once he became the front runner for the Republicans, the Freemasons, (in their state of conflict with the Jesuits, having just lost their bid to control the Knights of Malta to them), may have decided to flex their muscles and support Trump by undermining Clinton who was backed by the Jesuits, maybe not expecting him to get in? Either way Trumps election delayed the emergence of a globalist power grab by four years. Since then, perhaps because of that, the Freemasons and Jesuits appear to have now resolved their differences and are pulling in the same direction again. This may even have resulted in increased vigour because had Clinton won that election the pandemic would have probably been planned for 2016 or 17 instead, so they are now several years behind schedule. The E.U itself has been set up with a very limited and restricted form of democracy that allows for maximum interference and potential control from outside forces like the Jesuits and Freemasons as is the U.N. There will undoubtable also be Jesuits agents who are really loyal to the Freemasons and this is definitely true vice versa.
During the Protestant Reformation the Jesuits were busy spying on and influencing politics within the western monarchies no doubt in an attempt to prevent any more abandoning their loyalty to the Pope. The French king, ???< and other monarchs became so annoyed about this interference that they pressurised the Pope, ///), to disband the Jesuit Order. This was a major blow to the Popes authority but he had no alternative but to comply or risk losing more nations to growing influence Protestantism. The Pope doesn’t appear to have stopped funding the Jesuits though, who instead went undercover, something they were already apt at doing. Within two years, in 1703?? A new group called the Illuminati emerged from within a Jesuit controlled University, in ??? , using the same name as the occult group the Jesuit founder, Ignatius Loyola, had originally been a member of. Its founder,????, was a former Jesuit who worked as a lecturer at that University but claimed to have converted to Protestantism. It is odd that an Order than can be a tyrannical as the Jesuits, and had often operated as oppressively as the Spanish Inquisition in its history, would have tolerated that. I would say that ??? overplayed his hand somewhat by openly slating the Pope in public debates against the Jesuits and still was not fired from his position at that Jesuits University. He was also permitted to recruit agents for his new Order from students who attended that University which would not possibly have been allowed by the Jesuit order or the Pope. ??? was clearly operating as an undercover protestant. What genuine new convert to Protestantism would not join a protestant denomination but instead set up his own secret society and then use this to infiltrate Freemasonry, the very thing the Jesuits were known to be doing anyway. It just doesn’t make sense. The Illuminati was clearly the Jesuits operating within Freemasonry. This would explain the symbolism of the Gnostic all Seeing Eye of Horus within the pyramid of Freemasonry. Wheer would ??? Have gained so many willing recruits and how would he have trained and motivated them to infiltrate Freemasonry so quickly if they were not really Jesuits agents already? The Illuminati had their own mini militia which fought against the interest of the King during the French Revolution, i.e. the French King who had, a few years earlier, been instrumental in getting the Pope to officially ban the Jesuits. The Illuminati were so successful in infiltrating the Freemasons that a scandal emerged. High born Lords who headed many lodges complained about a surge of low born people infiltrating their ranks and then attempting to take them over. Evidence was presented, secret messages between the leaders of the Illuminati, who used code names and conspired together to take the entire world over, link. Napoleon, who was infiltrating the Freemasons himself with his own agents, oppressed the Illuminati Order and ??? is believed to have gone undercover and possibly emerged as a leading Freemason within the US. Today we see that same symbol, an eye in a pyramid on the back of the US Dollar.
O think the Illuminati is one of the wings of the Jesuit Order. Surely the evidence is overwhelming? They probably recruit the same way as the rest of the Jesuits order do, from within Jesuit Catholic controlled education establishments. For those of a certain mind set the idea of belonging to such a group and being helped but its powerful network of contacts it may seem very exciting. For others it may simply be a way to get forwards in their chosen profession. The proliferation of the Illuminati hand signal within the pop music industry may be a sign of the control the Illuminati and Jesuit order have within that Industry. It also fits in with Alice Baileys wider Freemasonry Plan for a New World Order. This calls for the younger generation to be targeted so that the existing Christian dominated culture loses influence with each subsequent generation and eventually becomes irrelevant and powerless in the western world enabling the New Order to take over. We have seen this happening for decades across Western Europe and more recently within the USA as Christian values are abandoned by the youth and more interfaith or pagan beliefs have proliferated instead. Whilst many musicains and ordinary youths may actually believe in Lucifer those at the top of the Illuminati and Jesuit order don’t these days. They are, (perhaps all), atheist’s, mostly ego driven by the belief that they will be remembered by generations to come as those who birth the New World Order for mankind. Ninety percent of the world population believe in some form of god or spirituality though, they would not want to follow or submit to a dry boring atheist movement, that appeared to be run by bankers and rich billionaire business men. The allure of the New Age, the many ways to god Interfaith Movement and rebellious looking Illuminati are, therefore, utilised by the Jesuits to drew people in line with their globalists agenda. It is not surprising that even the Jesuit Pope Francis has, Himself, written a paper on the green renewable future of the planet, and claimed that everyone can get to heaven, (i.e with no need for faith in Christ). There will surely be a mass exodus of genuine Christian Catholics from the Catholic church soon, maybe during a great end times global revival, harvest but at the moment the good Catholics appear to be holding on to tradition in hope that traditional Trinitarian beliefs will be maintained.
So why bother writing all this about the Jesuits. Well I believe they will emerge as the dominant force within the coming One World Government. They are better organised with a clearer authority structure than the independently aligned Freemasonry styled businessmen and billionaires. They also have the resources of the entire Catholic Church at their disposal. They are also more mysterious and harder to spot and predict than the more obvious billionaires. I expect the final leader of the Jesuit Order, the Black Pope will become the anti-Christ, the person everyone must knowledge as the supreme head of mankind, as if god in human form, the false Christ and saviour of mankind. This is not so different from those who believe the actual white Pope will become the antichrist. At present though, the white Pope, the Jesuit Pope Francis has sworn an oath of loyalty to whoever becomes the leader of ? Gand master or?? of the Jesuit Order. So it makes sense that the Black Pope, who has the highest authority will become the antichrist not the actual Pope, predicted to sit enthroned in a rebuilt Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, (2 Thess “.??). The Catholic Church is known to want to control Jerusalem again, and was what the crusades were fought for. O believe that the interfaith movement, under the influence of Catholicism will prophesy the acceptance of this antichrist figure. Led as it is by the white Pope and in the future I believe a supposed protestant prophet, who will also really be an undercover Jesuit. There would then be a trinity of Jesuits at the top of the New World Order. And we do not know who the next leader of the Jesuit order will be. It is likely he may be an undercover Jesuit at present operating in cognito, as this is the main way in which the Jesuit operates. The book of Daniel may give a hint as to his identity. In Dan ?? it says he will have “fierce features and be stouter than his fellows,” that surely means fierce features and bulkier, more muscular? Maybe we should be watching out for whoever becomes the Middle East envoy after the coming Gog of Magog war, Ez 38, that may be a key?
Alan Lamont link