Global Prophecies

A85P) Conclusion continued...  

A85P) Conclusion continued...  This coup will take several years to accomplish because it is being undertaken incrementally with a high degree of subtly. This isn’t coming from outside forces, of the type we are used to, but from within the western democracies, initiated by some of the wealthiest actors within our free market system, aligned with other powerful organisations. In the past the wealthiest oligarchs have not had any direct political power within our democratic system and this has left them vulnerable to the whims of the majority. Should the masses have decided to strip these oligarchs of their wealth, power and privilege in uprisings or by electing extreme left wing parties to power what could they have done to protect themselves?  The anti- one percenter protests that followed the banking crisis of 2008, (which many blamed on the banking oligarchs), may have startled them into action. Warren Buffets quote is very telling, “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning,” (link).” 

The world is also changing, China is emerging as an economic and military threat to the West, the climate is changing faster than before, and society is breaking down in many ways, with increasing level’s of violence. If incomes fall the chances of a popular uprising against an increasingly rich, multi-billionaire elite, who have been gaining control of more and more of the world’s resources, is likely and these astute forward thinking entrepreneurs know it. In in 2010, the Rockefellers “Operations Lockstep” was developed, just two years after the banking collapse, which started the last recession. This called for the declaration of a “virus pandemic” as a pretext under which new authoritarian measures could be implemented to control the population.

For hundreds of years there have been rumours that the Freemasons and Illuminati planned to seize global power and both of those organisations are probably in submission to the globalist movement and its present leadership. Information from the World Economic Forum, (W.E.F), founded by Charles Schwab, (who has close connections and friendships with both the Rockefellers and Bill Gates), revealed plans to move the West towards a command economy, with checks and balances on democracy, along the lines of the Chinese model. Many call this a “great transfer of wealth” so that 100% of resources would then be controlled by the elite with everyone else dependent upon them. This new system would be run, not by communists as in China, but by the wealthiest oligarchs and their allied organisations.

Our modern scientific age could provide an elite with the possibility of technological control of the population. The exaggerated covid 19 crisis led to mass vaccination campaigns, vaccines are to be followed by Vaccine Passport I.D Cards, and Bill Gates already has a digital tattoo ready, (which can assess peoples vaccination status), to replace external cards. There are also now chips that can be placed in the flap of skin between the forefinger and thumb which could track and trace everyone’s movements 24/7 for the rest of their lives. Googles A.I system “Deep Mind” is already online and doubling its intelligence and capabilities every 3.5 months, so should be capable of monitoring and controlling the vast flows of information that would be produced.

If these oligarchs can get people to submit to this type of authoritarianism in a time of crisis, (either real or created), then, as Lord Sunction, (former Judge within the UK’s Supreme Court), warned the public in March 2020, it will then be very hard, if not impossible, to get out liberties back in the future. With advanced A.I systems also influencing propaganda and social media the majority of the public would probably never even realise what was going on, especially not if the health and other crisis’s were ongoing.  External threats often bring nations together, often under dictators as we saw in Hitler’s Germans, and the elite know this. That’s the point, they need to keep the health crisis going and this is where the vaccines come in again. They are clearly malevolent, they weaken people and do far more harm than good. In all animal trails since 2004 have made those vaccinated animals extremely vulnerable to cytokine storms or Antibody Dependant Enhancement when they catch corona viruses later on – this is what the science tells us.

No one knows yet but it appears that we could be facing real pandemics this winter, not from more dangerous variants but from ordinary corona viruses that are now able to kill or injure vaccinated people, due to cytokine storms or Antibody Dependant Enhancement. If true, before vaccination most such people would have previously been able to defend themselves against these viruses. The term, Paradoxical Immune Enhancement, (P.I.E), is, therefore, perhaps more apt, since, paradoxically, these genetic based vaccines assist the very viruses they were originally intended to prevent. Bill Gates, Dr Fauci, the W.H.O and the other oligarchs involved know about the previous animal trials so are clearly urging these vaccines on the public with malignant intent, just as Dr Yeadon and other whistle blowers have warned. 

We were told that lockdowns would to flatten the curve of the virus within three weeks. This was extended to several months, then repeated until we had experienced 15 months of lockdowns in the UK and even now they have not been completely lifted. Will the majority ever wake up and realise the elite want to keep us in permanent state of crisis even if they achieve full control? Each new measure promised to end the crisis is in fact cleverly designed to drag us into an even deeper crisis. There won’t be any end to this this until the end of the age. There may be lulls, such as is happening now, to encourage the idea that vaccinations work but the threats of lockdown and social distancing will forever be in the background as the stick to keep us inline.

 The next stage of this man made crisis appears to be planned mass fatalities, from ordinary corona viruses whose effects will be enhanced by the genetic vaccines. So that corona viruses that would not have once killed that many people could cause genuine pandemics across the vaccinated public. The elites more obvious moves to usurp power could then be accomplished under the black cloud of huge fatalities. The un-vaccinated will probably be blamed by the media, in order to pressure them into getting the jabs to0. Health crises combined with an economic and distorted climate change crisis as well. All of which will be used to promote the idea of the western nations coming together under a new unified system of government, to be run by scientific sounding technocrats, (in the pay of the oligarchs). They may claim they have the solutions to complex problems that the ordinary politicians can’t deal with. The lockdowns have also led to massive national debts, if they can’t be financed any longer, through governments selling bonds, then the nations will be weakened and have to go cap in hand to the international banks, which are influenced by same oligarchs.

The plan appears to be to unite the Western nations into a “New Roman Empire.” Much of the E.U and the Democratic Party, under Biden, already appear to be lined up with this globalist agenda. Trump was unpopular with the globalist’s media because he stood against it. Brexit was unpopular as it threw a spanner in the works of the E.U’s globalist’s plans. I believe, (prophetically), that the G8 will now be used as the foundation for this unified western government, not the E.U, which is already floundering and is unpopular with many Americans. I believe that Russia will then be invited to re-join the G8 and become a part of this new Empire leaving China on its own to resist. Once China is defeated, either economically or militarily then this G8 led grouping, will effectively rule the world.

The elites Plan appears to be a return to a system in which the ruling class, the wealthy Aristocracy, as good as owned the majority of the population as serfs. There would then be no way of engaging in any anti-one percenter protests anymore, or overthrowing the elites power, since they could simply switch off your chip and leave you unable to buy and sell, or gain employment or housing. These oligarchs seem to envision themselves as “Big Brother,” from George Orwell’s novel, “1984,” ruling over a society paralleling Aldous Huxley’s, “A Brave New World,” except utilising, for control purposes, even more advanced, modern bio-genetic modifications that we have available today. The World Economic Forum, (W.E.F), epitomised this in their saying “You will own Nothing and be Happy” this year, in 2021,(link), as it announced its plans for the “Great Reset” of our economic system and government of the western world in the near future, (link). 

Founder of the W.E.F, and James Bond villain lookalike minus the white cat, Charles Schwab, (who is closely linked to Bill Gates and the Rockefellers), claims that we are about to enter a Fourth Industrial Revolution which “will impact our lives completely… it will change actually us, our own identity… It will come at breath-taking speed, it will be like a tsunami, and actually it is not just a digital revolution... its nano technology, its also biological, and those three dimensions provides particular force to this revolution…” (link). This will include cyborg technology and updating humans from version 1.0 to 2.0, with biological machine human hybrid’s being created, and peoples brains being connected directly up to the internet. Imagine the control that would give an elite over the masses! And with the pace of science accelerating as we use A.I systems to advance it, this all may not be that far off.  Injections/vaccinations into the blood stream are the gateway through which this new nano technology will be introduced into the human body. Perhaps God ends this age because He doesn’t want an elite to manipulate or coerce the masses into being controlled to the degree or becoming cyborgs, or an A.I system possibly usurping power humans as Elon Musk warns about? The bible only goes as far as to warn about an idol will be made that can speak, Rev 13; 15, (possibly Googles “Deep Mind” A.I system), that could rule over this system and decide who can buy and sell.

So who’s behind this Plan? Many of the Oligarchs mentioned above are obviously central. Although the wealth of the Rockefeller and Rothschild’s families has been spread amongst many descendants over the years, so no multi Billionaires now stand out, together each family is worth about $400 billion. These descendants probably operate together as mafia families would too,  and they gain the top positions on many of the Banks and boards set up by their predecessors. They probably also have a control over some of the largest Financial Houses, that lend out $trillions to many of the large corporations, and so have an influence on them too. The single wealthiest oligarchs appear to be the more recent ones to acquire wealth, who haven’t had their fortunes dispersed amongst their relatives yet. E.g. Warren Buffet, (worth $100 billion), Bill Gates, ($120 billion), Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook and the two founders of Google, (worth about $115 billion each?), many of the other oligarchs may be funding the Plan but not actually involved in its implementation, perhaps Jef Bezos, ($170 billion), (I doubt whether Elon Musk is involved myself). It’s likely that they are also amongst the present leaders of the Freemasonry Movement, although they choose not to wear those colours before the public, perhaps because Freemasons is associated with conspiracies and these oligarchs have been promoting a propaganda campaign deriding any idea that such conspiracies exist today. Then there are the rich who are not as enormously wealthy but who are powerfully positioned, people like George Soros, Charles Schwab, (a multi - millionaire who is Chairman of one of the large Financial Houses that lends out Trillions and Founder of the W.E.F). Although these oligarchs appear to be leading this globalists agenda there are two other streams that I am aware of within this movement too.

The left wing: Many within the left wing or socialists parties are signed up to this agenda, including many politicians in the E.U and the US Democrat Party. This may seem an odd alliance, the world’s richest elite and left wingers but they both want to change the economic system away from the free market system and its stock market to a more controlled command economy more like Chinas which they can more fully control


The covid 19 crisis won’t last long enough for them to accomplish this, which is where the mRNA and DNA “vaccines” come in. The toxic spike proteins they produce in the trillions, in people’s bodies, will harm many and weaken peoples immune and other systems. They also acclimatise the public to receiving genetic alterations to their bodies and the injection of nano partials into their blood streams, ready for the advance of the next wave of controlling, internal, bio computer technology.

 If the effects in animal studies since 2005 are replicated in humans, (no tests have yet been complete using humans), then “vaccinated” people could experience A.D.E and cytokine storms when infected with corona viruses in the future, leading to prolonged, health crises and real pandemics under which the oligarchs power garb could continue. If “vaccinated” people then start dying from ordinary corona viruses these oligarchs appear set to blame this on dangerous new variants, which in reality cannot exist as, unlike influenza, corona viruses do not mutate very much and tend to get weaker not more deadly. Within such a tyranny the elite would own all the resources and the masses would rent everything from them, leaving them vulnerable, within a cashless society, with no resources of their own to fall back on, totally dependent, like chipped pets, on their oligarch oversees. As multi billionaire, major investor and, until this month, partner in the Gates Foundation, Warren Buffet, stated; “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning,” (link).” The Plan appears to be a return to a system in which a ruling, wealthy Aristocracy as good as owned the rest of us as serfs/slaves. There would be no way of engaging in any anti-one percenter protests against them then, or overthrowing their power, since they could simply switch off your chip and leave you unable to buy and sell, gain employment or housing. These oligarchs seem to envision themselves as “Big Brother,” from George Orwell’s novel, “1984,” ruling over a society paralleling Aldous Huxley’s, “A Brave New World,” except utilising, for control purposes, the even more advanced, modern bio-genetic modifications we have available today. The multi billionaires club, the World Economic Forum, (W.E.F), epitomised this in their saying “You will own Nothing and be Happy” this year, in 2021, (link), as it announced its plans for the “Great Reset” of our economic model, society and government of the western world in the near future, (link). 


Founder of the W.E.F, James Bond villain lookalike, Charles Schwab, (closely linked to Bill Gates and the Rockefellers), link, has stated that this will all be accompanied by a flood of new modern technology that is about to break in upon us at accelerating speed, in which human will be updated to human 2.0 with bio logical machine human hybrid’s being created. Imagine the control that would give them over us. Injections/vaccinations into the blood stream are the gateway through which this new nano technology will be introduced into the body. The bible only goes as far as to warn that an idol will be made that can speak, probably Googles “Deep Mind” A.I system, that could rule over this system and decide who can buy and sell. Perhaps God ends this age because He won’t allow an elite to manipulate and coerce the masses into being controlled to this degree or becoming cyborgs?

These new genuine pandemics, (and perhaps the release of other viruses), combined with a distortion of the climate change issue, the debts crisis created by the lockdowns, and probably an induced collapse of the stock market all appear to be in the globalists pipeline, to create a severe enough crisis under which they can usurp power, and initiate their Great Reset.

I think most people who have studied this issue will conclude that an oligarch elite, are seeking to move the western world towards an authoritarian technocracy that this wealthy elite intend to rule. They don’t have armies but are using the power bases that they do have, i.e. their immense wealth, the banking industry, main media corporations, Social Media companies and the wealthy pharmaceutical industry. In line with the Rockefellers Plan they have created a health crisis centring, so far, around an exaggerated covid 19 outbreak, (a virus that most scientists now believe to have been enhanced via gain of function research by Chinese scientists in the Wuhan Lab, who Dr Fauci has recently admitted to have channelled funds to since 2014, link, to work on corona viruses for the US National Institutes of Health and other western organisations. It will take longer than the covid 19 crisis to gain power over the western world, though, so a deadlier, more prolonged and genuine pandemic is now needed. The mRNA and DNA vaccines, which are known to have harmed the immune systems in animal studies conducted since 2005, and caused high fatalities when these animals were introduced to corona viruses after “vaccination,” appear to be the tool these oligarchs are willing to use to bring this about. If double or triple “vaccinated” people start dying from ordinary corona viruses that would not have previously killed them these oligarchs appear set to blame this on dangerous new variants, which in reality cannot exist as, unlike influenza, corona viruses do not mutate very much and tend to get weaker not more deadly. These new genuine pandemics, (and perhaps the release of other viruses), combined with a distortion of the climate change issue, the debts crisis created by the lockdowns, and probably an induced collapse of the stock market all appear to be in the globalists pipeline, to create a severe enough crisis under which they can usurp power, and initiate their Great Reset.

In the light of all this the idea that there are no conspiracies these days is simply ridiculous, and something these oligarchs have put about to cover their tracks and throw the public off their scent. They probably control the Freemasonry network too but don’t want to be seen in that light, perhaps because Freemasonry has been associated with conspiracies for hundreds of years. Many left of centre socialist parties and politicians seem to be in league with them, particularly the Democratic Party in the US ad many within the E.U, and I expect, in the labour Party in the UK too. This may appear an odd alliance, socialists and some of the world’s richest oligarchs but both now plan to move the western world away from the free market system towards a Chinese styled command economy where the state own all of the resources and people rent from it what they need. The multi billionaires club, the World Economic Forum, (W.E.F), epitomised this in their saying “You will own Nothing and be Happy” this year, (in 2021), as it announced its plans for a Great Reset, link. The multi billionaire oligarchs, who plan to rule this new western empire/state, will no doubt fight it out with the genuine socialists for control once this New World Order has been established. There is another more mysterious and less obvious strand in this globalist’s alliance, though, which may emerge as the most powerful of all - the Jesuit Order. Now they have their first openly Jesuit Pope, Pope Francis, they openly control the full resources of the entire Catholic Church, which is probably the wealthiest organisation on earth. I think they will emerge as the dominant force within the One World Government to come.

The Jesuits, were set up by Ignatius Loyola and his compatriots. They had previously been arrested by the Spanish Inquisition for their membership of an occult, (probably Knights Templar styled Gnostic), group called the Illuminati. They faked conversion to Catholicism and loyalty to the Pope under the threat of torture. Having gained the Popes trust they later set up the Jesuit Order with Catholic funding, supposedly to lead the anti-reformation against Protestantism. Although many genuine Trinitarians became Jesuit priests I doubt they have ever been allowed to high office within the Jesuit Order, whose primary purpose was to operate as the espionage wing of the Catholic Church. They have always been suspected of operating according to their own secretive agendas, though, serving their leader, the Superior General of “the Society of Jesus,” who many refer to as the Black Pope. The present Jesuit Pope Francis will have, long ago, sworn an oath of loyalty unto death to the Black Pope who is now the real power behind the throne. In the past they operated a huge network of undercover spy’s to keep an eye and influence on political developments within the European Kingdoms as some left Catholicism and became protestant. The modern Illuminati emerged from within a Jesuit controlled university in Germany, a scandal then erupted during the Napoleonic era when low born members of the Illuminati were found, in their droves, to be operating as undercover agents who infiltrated and attempted to take over Freemasonry. Both the Jesuit leadership and the Freemasons were originally Gnostics but appear to have become atheists during the age of Enlightenment. They have kept their Illuminati symbolism though - perhaps for the mystique this adds to their Orders?  Today the Jesuits operate a huge network of universities and secondary colleges from where it is thought they strike up lifelong alliances with students who promise to serve the Jesuit cause. In return they are thought to be assisted by an even larger network of Jesuit contacts to the very top in whatever field they choose to enter, be it big business, the media, the music industry or entertainment. Jesuit under cover operatives are everywhere in western society, they also infiltrate Christianity with notable ones now operating a gnostic types within the charismatic streams. Some of the billionaire oligarchs may even have emerged from within the Jesuit network and, therefore, still be loyal to this. When the Catholic Church, (which owns shares in many companies), bought a majority shareholding in the Bank of America, it was Jesuit business men who are known to have run it. Bill and Hillary Clinton are also known to have been Jesuit backed, and Obama as well as Biden may also be today. Former Catholic, Alan Lamont has done some great research into the Jesuit Order, link. The reason I have given so much of this short conclusion over to the Jesuits is because I believe they will ultimately emerge as the dominant force within the New World Order that is now emerging, the One World Government that is predicted in Rev Chapter 13. Their clear leadership structure, dedicated operatives, extensive control network and the immense wealth of the Catholic Church will, I believe, lead to them out manoeuvring the billionaire oligarchs and the socialists that they are presently aligned with in the globalist movement. The antichrist is very likely to be an undercover Jesuit himself, who may gain promotion and become the last Jesuit Superior General.

We cannot be in the last seven years yet, though. The Gog of Magog war against Israel and rebuilding of the third Jewish Temple, (Ezekiel Chapter’s 38 and  40), have not yet taken place. The antichrist is also said to make a seven year peace treaty, Dan ?? before emerging as leader within the Beast Empire. If we are praying about this there is no reason why Christians should submit to an authoritarian tyranny before that last 3.5 year reign; i.e. to vaccine passport I.D cards, and Bill Gates’ idea of a bio chip in the hand to prove we have accepted his latest toxic injections, which could also track and trace us 24/7 for the rest of our lives. If we don’t pray enough, warn others and resist, we could fall under this tyranny earlier than need be in the western world though. At present it looks like it’s going to be close to call.

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