Global Prophecies

H.P mininstry info

I feel the need to tidy up and explain this Home Page continued... On Dec 26th, 2017 I was clearly called to become an activist but wasn’t shown then for what or in what way. There was a strong anointing in the room and the presence of Jesus though. I was also shown that I would not be able to fulfil that activist role unless I succeeded in obtaining healing from an energy sapping condition that I had suffered from most of my life. Over the next 2 years I got badly distracted though, (by gardening a plot of land I had been offered - believe it or not), and never did achieved healing. I should have been more dedicated but had also sunk into a state of discouragement after my prophecy, discernment and prayer partner and friend of over 30 years suddenly died of sepsis in 2017. I’d also almost stopped receiving prophecies, which had kept me focussed up until then, [I prefer to let God initiate giving them as if you sit around seeking prophecies, I that open state, in a worsening spiritual atmosphere, (as in the UK today), the local spirits of deception will zoom in and attempt to minister deceptions to you. If God initiates the process you are already online with the Holy Spirit before that happens making it much easier to spot any infiltrations from spirits of deception that arrive afterwards]. I had also received a deception in late 2016, the cunning and quality of which I’d not experienced before so realised that unless I was getting clear enough discernment again I was likely to be outflanked. My prayer partner had had really good discernment which I had witnessed often as proof, and had been invaluable with wise advice and guidance too so it seemed foolish trying to go it alone. [I didn’t know anyone else whose discernment I trusted. Since then almost the entire prophetic movement in the western world had predicted Trump would win 2 terms and few of them have ever even admitted they’d been deceived. There will be two great prophetic movements coming out of Africa and China in the last days though].  I asked God to stop giving me words back in 2017 as I didn’t consider it safe anymore. I’ve only received a few prophecies since and I can’t say I have had enough clear discernment on them, (although they appeared to parallel earlier prophecies that I could trust, so I placed them on line).

Up until 2020 PFT was still purely a prophecy website. Then the events of the pundemic suddenly took place, taking everyone by surprise. God showed me this was related to the end times. I, therefore, needed to get watchman warnings out. To do so I needed to study and understand exactly what was going on. This was highly complex with the mass media and politicians misleading the public and new info appearing all the time from whistle-blower doctors and scientists, as well as from political experts. I mostly relayed this info the form of articles linked to video clips from interviews with scientists. I put the watchman info articles on this site too as I couldn’t use or regularly update my website myself since it had no content managing system, (a huge error). Because I hadn’t achieved healing I knew I couldn’t even fulfil this activist ministry but did what I could. Other websites and my systems on LinkedIn have not been completed, or large scale systems to communicate the watchman warnings either. I managed to fulfil Gods call to me to contact MP’s though. I only completed about 10% of this activist ministry due to ill health. In my attempts to understand what’s going on I’ve got caught up in the complex flood of info. This is always being added to as new things emerge, particularly concerning the voxxinations, (an issue I’ve only just got to the bottom of). I didn’t have the time or energy to complete most of this so have been out manoeuvred. The pundemic is over and there is no point in me trying to fulfil what God told me I wouldn’t be able to fulfil without healing. However, as a watchman am still obliged to do what I can. And so this pandemic info still remains temporarily on this Prophecies For Today website. As censorship increases I’m probably going to have to remove all the pundemic and voxine info from online soon anyway, so that it doesn’t lead to this site being closed down with all the prophecies on it.  

Any prayer is appreciated as my landlords is selling up and I’m now being evicted, with those health problems, in the middle of winter, during a rents and homelessness crisis. I’m still on sickness and housing benefits and few private landlords are interested in renting to such as their rents are so much higher now and competition from working people is high. People like me are now priced out of the housing market, so I could become homeless or have to move around temporary council accommodation within weeks. This could put the scuppers on me serving God online in this way for a time. I’ve heard it said that the seers are often targeted first because they are the radar system for the church and see what’s coming ahead of time, warn others and help the church to prepare for the future, giving it a strategic advantage. For the protection of our faiths sake we all need to keep serving God as our major priority, it’s dangerous not to. I may, therefore, have to move across to intercession ministry in the meantime, (as I can do that anywhere), although it’s not my strong suit. The devil is out to kill active Christians so beware. A bombardment of our sense followed by the great falling away of 2 Thess 2; 3 is on its way.

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